ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel

ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Lemen
there’s some army digital that should fit Jacob. Billy you get older stuff, I think it’ll fit you.”
    “I always get the old stuff,” Billy said jokingly, as he reached for the older garments.
    It was good to hear Billy joking; I hoped it meant that he was getting past the grisly episode in our kitchen with the neighbors.
    Smiling at him, I said. “Just start changing and I’ll tell you the plan."
    As we changed our clothes, I shared the details off my plan with the boys. I call it my plan, but really I was just making it up as I went.
    "Billy, when I say go, you open the garage door, do it as fast as you can, if there are any of them out there we want to catch them by surprise, not the other way around. From what we've seen so far, they haven't demonstrated any semblance of speed. So, I think they're probably not capable of moving very fast, but I don't know that for sure. If they’re close, they could be on us quick. Billy you carry the gas can, and I'll carry the siphon. While I'm sticking one end of the hose in the van's gas tank, you put the other end in the gas can, and I'll start pumping the fuel. Jacob you cover us with one of the rifles, I don't care which one, I would use either the AK-47 or the 9mm carbine if I were you. On second thought, use the carbine, it's better for close quarter’s battle, and that way we can save the AK ammunition for longer range targets."
    Nodding his head, Jacob agreed and grabbed the pistol caliber carbine.
    "Billy, you and I will use pistols, pistols will give us plenty of fire power and we can quickly holster them to free up our hands to do the siphoning," I said, as I pointed to the pile of guns and assorted equipment.
    Billy rummaged through the mixed heap of firearms and equipment we had dumped on the garage floor.
    "I'll take this one; do we have a holster for it?" he asked.
    "That's the 92 right, here it is," Jacob answered, as he handed him the holster.
    Reaching behind me, I pulled the Glock 19 I had used on Julie earlier from my belt.
    "I'll need a holster for this too, it’s in that pile somewhere, Jacob see if you can find it."
    Reaching into our equipment mound, Jacob pulled out two holsters, one in each hand, and held them up in front of me.
    "I think it's one of these."
    "It's this one!" I said, taking the one in his right hand.
    We geared up, and took our positions by the garage door.
    "Billy, look out the window again and see if anything has changed," I ordered.
    Billy moved quickly to the garage window and peeked out.
    "Still only two of them over here," he said as he made his way back to his assigned position at the garage door.
    "Okay, everybody knows what to do, everybody ready?" I asked.
    Both boys replied.
    "Okay, on three, one, two, three, open the door!" I shouted.
    Billy tugged hard on the garage door handle, and the spring-loaded door clattered and squeaked as the somewhat rusty wheels road up along the metal tracks.
    As the door opened, and revealed the driveway, our worst possible nightmare had come true, we immediately found ourselves exposed.
    At least fifteen zombies were in the driveway and surrounding area, two of which were within arm’s reach of Jacob. The shrill squeak from the wheels had attracted the zombie's attention, and in the split second that it took to open the garage door, the closest zombies were already on the attack.
    It all happened so fast that Jacob didn't have enough time to raise his rifle to his shoulder. Holding his gun at his waist, he raised the barrel of the carbine slightly, and began to fire the semi automatic gun as fast as he could.
    As Jacob fired the nine-millimeter carbine repeatedly, the muzzle rise lifted the gun up, and before his target's hands could grab him, Jacob’s bullets were smashing into the zombie's face.
    "Close the door!" I screamed.
    Billy had lifted the door with so much force, that when it had reached its pinnacle, it bounced back and was already on its way back down. Jacob had

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