Zombocalypse Now

Zombocalypse Now by Matt Youngmark Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Zombocalypse Now by Matt Youngmark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Youngmark
Tags: Horror
we start production, we could ship it all over the world!” Candice exclaims. You know that guilt over her part in spreading the zombie plague has been eating your aunt alive, and you’re delighted to see a glimmer of hope return to her eyes. “Ernie, I take it all back,” she says. “You’re a genius!”
    Candice insists on rounding up survivors on the way out, and although Gary refuses to budge from his office, you see the speaker phone on his desk that he’s been rambling on about and take it with you. It turns out that the remaining employees have completely lost touch with reality and are worshipping his disembodied voice as a god. They’re pretty far gone, sanitywise, and in retrospect you’re glad that you didn’t count on them for scientific support.
    Using the last of your toothpaste water, you manage to get the crazies out of the building. The question is, what do you do with them now? They aren’t in any shape to take care of themselves, and turning them loose will almost certainly mean leaving them to become zombie food. On the other hand, the manufacturing plant is miles away, and you don’t like the idea of two dozen loose cannons mucking up your last ditch attempt to save humanity.

    If you decide to take the Crogaste employees along, since you can’t bear to tell your aunt that you want to sacrifice what remains of her co-workers for the greater good, turn to page 202.

    If you decide to leave them behind, since the fate of humanity is just too important for you to be messing around with this bunch of nutjobs, turn to page 142.


    Calm down. Relax. Everything’s going to be okay. Everything’s NOT going to be okay—you’ve got zombie guts in your eye! No, no, just stay cool. You manage to navigate the crowd without losing your head, then start pounding on the police station door.
    “Let me in!” you scream. “I’m not a zombie, but I’m disguised as a zombie, and I got zombie in my eye, and I need a shower really, really bad!”
    The door opens and an officer lets you in. You’re saved! Then he handcuffs you (what?), brings you downstairs to the police station basement, and turns a fire hose on you. The force is incredible, and you very nearly drown, but at least it gets you clean. After about five minutes he shuts it off. “You still not a zombie?” he grunts.
    “Glurb,” you whimper.
    “Guess I’ll take you to see the chief, then.” The officer uncuffs you, hauls you back up the stairs, and brings you into a cramped little office. “This one was pounding on the door outside,” he says. “Not sure what the protocol for that is anymore.”
    The police captain, spinning around in his chair, turns out to be a stuffed crab. Wait a minute. You’d recognize those beady little eyes anywhere.
    “ Clampy Pete ,” you say. “The last time I saw you, you were about to wash out of police academy.” The two of you go way back, and regardless of the way things may have started between you, they got fairly ugly before the end. How did this guy ever wind up running a precinct? You realize that you’re not going to get any help here. “How’s Sarah?” you sneer.
    “None of your damn business,” Clampy Pete retorts. “And the last time I saw you, you were a deadbeat slacker with a smart mouth. I see not much has changed.” He turns to the officer who brought you in. “Protocol is what it’s always been. We take the civilians’ statements and send them on their merry way.”
    “Yes, sir,” the officer says noncommittally. “Pretty sure that’s certain death, though.”
    This is insane! It would be just like Clampy Pete to run his police station strictly by the book, even in the event of biblical end times. The last thing you’re going to do is to beg him for help, though. Maybe you can convince some of the officers that if they hope to survive, they’re going to have to start breaking a few rules?
    Then again, you came here looking for a safe place to wait things

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