(9/20) Tyler's Row

(9/20) Tyler's Row by Miss Read Read Free Book Online

Book: (9/20) Tyler's Row by Miss Read Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miss Read
Tags: Fiction, England, Country Life - England, Cottages - England, Cottages
emeralds and rubies of pigeon-egg size, and diamonds too heavy to lift,' he said to Diana. 'Do you think he has any idea of teachers' salaries?'
    'Of course he has,' replied Diana robustly. 'Anyway, ask him. If he's outrageously expensive, we'll manage without him.'
    'Impossible,' said Peter. 'He knows his stuff", and will see that old Fairbrother gets on with the building properly. I don't grudge Croft's fee—it'll be an investment—but I must see that he doesn't get carried away with all kinds of schemes for improving the place.'
    'What do you expect? A miniature Taj Mahal rising between Mrs Fowler's and Sergeant Burnaby's?'
    'Not quite, but I intend to keep a tight rein on him. He's already contemplating shutters, and a sort of Chinese porch which would set us back a hundred or two. I can see he'll want watching.'
    Now, on this bright August morning, Peter did his best to impress upon Bellamy Croft the absolute necessity of keeping costs as low as possible.
    'This dry rot. What will it cost to put right?'
    Bellamy told him, and Peter flinched.
    'And a damp course?'
    'I should prefer to tell you that after I have had a longer look at the place. But we ought to make a good job of it while we're about it. No point in cheese-paring.'
    'Naturally. The essentials must be done, and done well. But I simply haven't the money to indulge in extras such as this porch you show on the plan. Heaven knows what I'll get for my present home—a lot, I sincerely hope, but the bridging loan from the bank must be met eventually, and I'm determined to cut my coat according to the cloth. Maybe we can do all the fancy bits when the other two cottages become vacant.'
    'Ah yes, indeed! Stage two,' said Bellamy, shuffling enormous sheets of crackling paper upon the desk. 'I quite appreciate your position—and frankly, I'm glad to work for a man who knows his mind. Stage one, the conversion of the middle two cottages, we can keep very simple, and by the time we've reached stage two we shall know how much more you feel able to embark upon.'
    His bland pink face was creased in smiles. He looks happy enough, thought Peter, but then he doesn't have to foot the bill. Was it a hare-brained project he had started? What other snags, besides dry rot, rising damp, two awkward tenants, a jungle of a garden and an architect with alarmingly lavish plans did the future hold?
    Was he going to bless or curse the day he decided to buy Tyler's Row?
    Time alone would tell.

    What with one thing or the other it was well on into August by the time the contract was signed and the die cast.
    One sultry afternoon, Diana and Peter drove over to their new property with a formidable collection of gardening tools in the back of the car.
    'Do you really think you'll need that enormous great pick axe?'
    'It's a mattock,' corrected Peter. 'And the answer's "Yes". It will probably be the most useful tool of the lot. You won't need that trowel and hand fork, you've so hopefully put in, until next season.'
    The gate still scraped a deepening semi-circle in the path as they pushed it open.
    'I must see to that,' said Peter, shaking his head.
    They carried the tools into the back garden and surveyed the jungle with mingled awe and dismay.
    'Look at the height of those nettles!' said Diana.
    'Take a look at the brambles! Tentacles like octopuses—or do I mean octopi? And those prickles! We really need a flamethrower before we can begin with orthodox tools.'
    He picked up a bill-hook and stepped bravely into the weeds, followed by Diana carrying a pair of shears.
    'We'll start at the bottom of the garden and work our way towards the house,' Peter said. 'Knock off the top stuff first, and burn it as we go.'
    It was hot work. Faraway could be heard die rumblings of a storm, and dark clouds massed ominously on the horizon. Thousands of tiny black thunder-flies settled everywhere, maddening them with their tickling, and swarming into their hair, ears and eyes. Their labours were

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