
9781618859594HerDeviantLordPimentel by Layna Pimentel Read Free Book Online

Book: 9781618859594HerDeviantLordPimentel by Layna Pimentel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layna Pimentel
for me might be of assistance. This is such a mess! “Is there any way for us to verify his condition?”
    Even if they did
get confirmation of his death, what did she expect to do? It was not as if she
could go back to living in her estate. She had no idea if there was a will, or
if he had bequeathed her even the smallest of their properties. Good lord,
there was simply too many things to consider, and not nearly enough time.
    “Cordelia, what
has you so disturbed? What are you thinking?”
    “I am only
wondering what, and if, my husband had bequeathed me. Seeing as I was assumed
dead, and he is only at his crossroads now, I hardly think that all his assets
have been obtained by the magistrate for auction.”
    “I am not certain
either, though, if you were willing to come out of hiding, we should be able to
find out if anything was left to you, prior to the accident. Is that something
you would like to risk?”
    A risk—that is
what all of this was. What originally had been one plan, now had been divided
into a multitude of mini tasks and assignments. She should just keep with the
original idea—invite Bastian to return to the country with her and tell him he
had a son. However, she could figure out what her entitlements were and then
retreat to the country once London realized that she had never really passed
on, but was left for dead by her wretched husband.
    While she was not
in the market of looking for sympathy, if there was an opportunity to repay the
kindness of the marquess and his lovely wife, and of
Corinne, the second option would only be the way to do so.
    “What I think, my
lord, is that running away is for cowards. I shall not run away without truly
knowing if I am returning to the country as a penniless dowager duchess. But I
shall not grovel for wealth, either. Whilst these last few months have been
hard, adjusting to the meager and pauper lifestyle, I still have my health and
my son. And both will remain the same, with or without a title.”
    “If I may be so
bold, your grace. I think you are making the right decision. Though, be sure to
understand that none of this will be easy. Once London is aware of your return,
there will be scathing talk and hatred. Your husband was a vile man…”
    “There is no need
to remind me of that horrid detail, my lord. I was married to him, after all.”
If there was one wish she was entitled to, she desperately hoped that her
husband had perished. She had no desire to face him ever again.
    “Where do we
begin? I simply cannot walk into the estate and start ordering about the staff,
nor can I summon his solicitor and begin the process. Will you be able to
assist me with these things? You have already done so much for Matthew and I,
and I would hate to impose on you further.”
    “Make no mention
of it, your grace. I will see what my man of affairs can find out for us.”
    Most excellent. Perhaps things were
beginning to look up, after all.

    Chapter Five
    Back in his
library, Bastian still could not believe his eyes. He called out for his
butler, and the man made use of his quick feet. “See that this is cleaned up.
And do try to get the stains out, this is my favorite shirt.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Bastian passed the
elderly man his shirt and headed upstairs to his room. Christ! She is alive after all this time. How he longed to fuck her,
but most of all, he could not wait to hold her in his arms again.
    However, there was
something different about her. In the few moments that he had managed to have a
solid look at her, she had appeared a little plumper in the breasts. Not that
he minded in the least. He would look forward to fucking those beauties in no
time, but it was perhaps the change in demeanor. Something about how she had
    Christ . How will the Duke of Downsbury react to learn that his wife is back
from the dead? But wait, her husband has
been stripped of his title, and from what I heard last at Whites, it is rumored
that he has

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