A Highland Knight's Desire (A Highland Dynasty Book)

A Highland Knight's Desire (A Highland Dynasty Book) by Amy Jarecki Read Free Book Online

Book: A Highland Knight's Desire (A Highland Dynasty Book) by Amy Jarecki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Jarecki
been pressed against his body for hours. Ensuring her sleeve covered the claw, she placed her hands on his shoulders.
    He lifted her with such ease, she completely forgot about his wound until a slight grunt escaped his lips.
    “Are you all right?”
    He drew her into his body and slid her down. “Aye.” His deep voice was barely perceptible.
    Meg’s breasts rubbed along his solid chest. Her breath caught. He held her there for a moment. She dared look at his face, and her breathing completely stopped. His dark features were both wickedly handsome and terrifying. A longing smoldered in his eyes—as if he were starved. He probably was. Meg forced a swallow. “Another inch or two and you can release me.”
    He blinked as if she’d slapped him. “A-apologies.” He set her down.
    Her sleeve dropped back and exposed the claw. She snapped it away. But Duncan’s brow furrowed. He’d seen it.
    She steeled herself for a sharp remark, but he turned to the men. “Put the horses in the stalls and heap the straw into a pile. We cannot light a fire in here, but we’ll huddle together to stay warm.”
    Meg frowned. “Having already done enough huddling, I’d prefer a fire.”
    John used a pitchfork to amass the hay. “No need to worry, Lady Meg. We’re all knights. Your virtue’s safe with us.”
    Now Duncan had seen her claw, he’d probably give her a wide berth. She doubted he’d be riding with her again. He’d most likely ask her to ride with John. The younger brother seemed quieter, better mannered and unquestionably not as devilish or handsome. “I thought no less.” She stepped forward. “I’m afraid we all haven’t been properly introduced.”
    John bowed deeply. “My brother and I are sons of the Lord of Glenorchy—hail from Glen Orchy in Argyllshire.”
    Duncan removed the bridle, but left the saddle on the horse and closed the stall gate. “Apologies, m’lady. I’m afraid there wasn’t time with arrows flying past our ears.” He gestured to each man. “Robert and James Robinson are cousins from Loch Rannoch. Archibald Campbell, my second cousin—heir to the Earl of Argyll. My closest friends, Eoin MacGregor, one day to be laird, as well as Sean MacDougall who’s scouting behind us.”
    Meg rubbed her shoulders. Every single one of them was enormous. “Are all Highlanders as large as you?”
    “No bigger than your Lowland kin, I’d reckon.” Duncan chuckled. “These men were handpicked by me and my father. After Da returned from the Crusades, the king tasked him with keeping order in the Highlands.”
    “Campbell?” Meg mused. “Is your father the Black Knight of Rome?”
    “Aye,” John said.
    King’s men . Now answers were coming together. “Are you men the fabled Highland Enforcers?”
    Eoin tossed a blanket on the hay. “Flesh and blood.”
    She snapped a hand over her mouth. Heaven’s stars . “Why are such important knights riding into England and rescuing an insignificant woman like me?”
    “Your brother doesn’t think you’re unimportant.” Duncan gave her a lopsided grin. “I daresay he’s right.”
    “You going soft on us?” Archie asked.
    Duncan batted the air. “Never.” He held up a blanket. “Come, Lady Meg, you can lie down between me and Sir John. We’ll keep your bones from freezing.”
    “Oh no.” Meg turned in a circle. “There absolutely must be someplace else for me to bed down. I cannot possibly sleep beside you men. My reputation would be as good as ruined.”
    Duncan looked to the others and spread his palms to his sides. “You want to sleep with the horses?”
    Meg peered through the crude shelter. Aside from where they stood, there wasn’t a spare stall or crevice. She wrung her hands. “This is highly improper.”
    “What did you expect on the run from the English, a toasty inn and a chambermaid to tend your needs?” The big man looked as if she’d slapped him. “Do you have a better idea?”
    Her gaze swept across inquisitive faces,

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