A Regency Christmas My Love

A Regency Christmas My Love by Linda Hays-Gibbs Read Free Book Online

Book: A Regency Christmas My Love by Linda Hays-Gibbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Hays-Gibbs
make her love him?  He took her hand when she was on the third to the bottom stair.  He could hold back no longer.  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.  His eyes never left hers.  The purple in her eyes was brilliant tonight. 
         “I know you don’t want to dance but will you stay by my side. I don’t want to leave you since I can finally see you again.  You are so beautiful Miss Victoria Grace.  I know there is no one else that can compare to you.”  He kissed her hand again for good measure.
         Vicky looked away embarrassed by this spectacle about her.  She never had this much attention but she had never been to a ball either.  It was all so beautiful.  He took her hand and placed it on his arm.  They strolled out into the crowd and he took her to his father.
        “See for yourself how exquisite she is Your Grace.  Is she not the most beautiful woman in the world?” He raised his brow in question to his father.
           “I am sure she is for you, son but for me there is only one Duchess.”  The Duke’s eyes were feasting on the fabulous creature behind them.  His wife walked up and smiled into his eyes.  They were as sky blue as Creighton’s.  Vicky smiled and looked up into Creighton’s eyes.
          “Will you still think me the most beautiful when we are married as long as your parents?”  She looked up through her butterfly lashes blushing bashfully.
          “Oh, yes, sweetheart, I most assuredly will.”  She laughed and poked him with her elbow and he grunted.  They turned around to see a whole roomful of people watching their every move. 
         “Now what do we do?” She whispered. Vicky was frozen in her step when she saw all the people staring back at them.  She did not know any of these people.
          “Come on Miss Grace, let us go to the balcony and get some fresh air.”  He pulled her to the double doors leading to the gardens.
          “My son is in love with the lady.”
           “Yes, he sure is Your Grace.” Pricilla chuckled and patted her husband’s hand.  “It was all so sudden.”
          “Well, it was for us too.  One day I was waltzing with you and the next we were married.”
           “I told my mother that you were crazy and she agreed.”  Her laughter filtered through the group standing close bye.  The Duke laughed at his beautiful wife and nodded.
         “Would you care for some punch or champagne, Vicky?” Creighton asked to be polite.
           “I do not believe I have ever had either.  I think I would like to try some champagne though.”   She smiled at him from under her long lashes shyly.
         “I will return with it in hand.”  He strolled back into the ballroom to curious stares.  They all wanted to know who the beauty was? He would not talk to them.  He was in a hurry.  He didn’t want to leave her alone.  She got into trouble when she was alone.
          He returned with two glasses in hand but she was not on the balcony. He searched the gardens but she was not there.  He threw the glasses into a bush and went decidedly hysterical.  He ran back inside and told his parents and they called the Butler who called the footmen.  They were all looking for a tiny purple-eyed lady in a black silk dress but there was nothing.  Creighton sat down and held his face in his hands.
         Suddenly from behind a curtain a man moved with Vicky in tow.  He had a gun pointed to her temple and he was heading for the closest door.  He was sweating profusely and very tall.  It was Crawley and he had his hands on Vicky again.  It was not to be born.  Creighton stared at him as if he was an insect.  The Duke motioned to the Regent, who had his own guard.  They all surrounded the man.  The King spoke softly to the man.  He eyed him as if he were an insect and brought his handkerchief to his nose.
         “Are you completely insane? What!

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