Absolutely Unforgivable

Absolutely Unforgivable by Tracy Tegan Read Free Book Online

Book: Absolutely Unforgivable by Tracy Tegan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Tegan
knots. I thought about bolting for the door, I’m really not one for being the center of attention but then I turned towards Jeromy to see the biggest smile on his face and I decided to just go for it.

    I looked back to Billy and then took a deep breath and focused only on him, trying my best to block everyone else out of my mind and I started to shake the tambourine like I knew what I was doing.

    Then when Billy got to the chorus, he stuck out a hand and motioned for me to come up closer to him. Without thinking I walked over, then leaned into him and sang the three lines with him. Billy had turned back to face the crowd after the chorus and I stepped back for the next part of the song. He leaned into the microphone and softly sang the next few lines, in a softer more seductive voice.

    I stood on the side of the stage, shaking my hips to the beat of the song along with the tambourine, just watching Billy in action. He really came alive when he was on stage. His eyes lit with excitement. He was truly amazing at what he did and the crowds seemed to love him too. They were at his feet, whistling, cheering, clapping and screaming their approval.

    As the beat of the song picked up again I knew it was my cue to start shaking my thing again. I gave Billy a big smile and he reached up to grab my hand and pulled me towards him. As I sang the last part of the song with Billy, I could see a sparkle in his eyes that I had not noticed before. It caught me off guard. Billy was in his element when he was on stage. Billy was a rock star, even if only a local one.

    When the song ended he put his hands around my waist and pulled me in towards him. “You are fucking awesome. Jeromy is one lucky son of a bitch.”

    I kissed him on the cheek and started to walk away. I was going back to sit next to Jeromy but as I tried to leave Billy pulled me back to him. He held me next to him with his arm around my waist, locking me in place. With his other hand he grabbed the microphone. I glanced out in the crowd, looking for Jeromy’s face, which still had his adorably wide grin on it so I knew he was okay with me being up on stage with Billy.

    “You know, we don’t normally do this song but since tonight we have this pretty lady here to inspire me, I think it will be okay. You don’t mind, do you?”

    I looked at Billy curiously as the crowd cheered him on. I wondered what song he was talking about. It started off with a slow beat and as I stood there wrapped in Billy’s arm I tried to figure out which song it was. It didn’t sound familiar. I wondered if it was one of their own. He loosened his grip on my waist but still didn’t let go as he softly sang, “When I first seen your picture, I knew that it was love at first sight. You stole my heart. You made me smile.”

    Butterflies filled my stomach as our bodies swayed together with the beat of the music. At this point I had all but forgotten we were in a packed bar and my adoring boyfriend was sitting just feet away from us watching our every move. Billy had me completely captivated.

    After the song ended, I stood there locked in an embrace with Billy, both of us staring into each other’s eyes. I bit my lip as I felt my entire body tingle. And then thankfully the crowd let out a thunderous roar, louder than they had been all night.

    The loud noise shook me out of my daze and I turned my head to face the loud cheers and chants. The fans wanted more. Jeromy sat there watching us on stage and I worried if things had gone too far between Billy and me. Nothing had technically happened but still it was an intimate encounter, and inappropriate considering he was my boyfriend’s best friend.

    But by the smile on Jeromy’s face I could tell he didn’t think of it as anything more than just an act, something we were doing for the crowd. But it wasn’t just all for show. There was something there. Electricity shot through my entire body when I was in Billy’s arms.

    I took my seat

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