Adventure For A Bride: A clean historical mail order bride romance (Montana Passion Book 3)

Adventure For A Bride: A clean historical mail order bride romance (Montana Passion Book 3) by Amelia Rose Read Free Book Online

Book: Adventure For A Bride: A clean historical mail order bride romance (Montana Passion Book 3) by Amelia Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Rose
half-heartedly to the small out building positioned about twenty yards from his cabin. Millie stepped toward the door tentatively while Pryor, Gretchen, and Kieran waited beside the wagon.
    “This? This is my house?” she asked softly. Wyatt squared his shoulders, ready to argue with her for not liking it. It hadn’t even been his idea to build it, but somehow he got to be the one to buy the materials and take time away from his planting to construct it. Sure, Pryor and Nathaniel had helped, but the two of them had only made things worse by insisting on all matter of amenities. Wood floors and fireplace stoves made from rocks hauled from the creek didn’t build themselves, but somehow those two had insisted on them.
    If truth be told, every single one of them was to blame, Wyatt recalled sourly. It had started with Kieran’s pronouncement only three weeks before, and he was sure it had more to do with wanting the young woman out of his house than anything else.
    “I may be no judge and I did naw sit for the law back in Ireland, but I am the only lawman in these parts and I say you owe her a place on your property,” Kieran had declared shortly after Millie had come to stay with him and Gretchen. “You brought her here under false pretenses, and she paid a good portion of her passage out of her own pocket, so ‘tis only fitting then. Either you marry her now and bring into your household, or you build her a proper cabin on your land so she has a place to call her own. If you’ll naw do it, then I’d say she has a legal claim against you, and you’ll have to settle that at the fort in Barnett.”
    Pryor, that traitorous do-gooder who’d stabbed him in the back with all this mess, had been no better help than Kieran.
    “We’ll help you build the cabin,” he offered cheerfully. “And when you two are happily wed, it’ll make a fine smokehouse. You don’t have one at the moment, so you don’t have anywhere to cure and store up meat for the winter. So don’t think of it as losing out and having to build for no purpose, just think of it as putting her up until you finally come to your senses and decide to behave like an honest gentleman!” Pryor had sealed his opinion with a smug grin, one that Wyatt could have punched off his face if he hadn’t known that his oldest friend in the territory was only trying to help.
    Before Wyatt could lash out at Millie’s ungratefulness upon seeing the tiny cabin, she clapped her hands and bounced excitedly on the balls of her small feet. She ran to the narrow door and threw it open, peering into the interior darkness before doubling back to him.
    “Mr. Flynn, it’s amazing! I’ve never known anyone who could build an entire house with his bare hands! However did you manage it?” she demanded eagerly. Wyatt looked away, embarrassed at all the attention. Whenever Anna Mae had offered him praise, which she’d rarely done because she knew it mortified him to no end, it had been quiet and reserved, and certainly not in the presence of other people, the very people who’d worked just as hard as he had on the house.
    “It wasn’t all my doing!” he answered brusquely, not meaning to rebuke her but not trying to claim all the responsibility for the hard work, either. He jerked his head in the direction of the others to indicate that they’d all had a hand in it, too.
    “Oh, thank you, all of you! I cannot believe how cozy it is, and how much room it has!” Millie quickly turned and ducked inside, disappearing into the dark building that was truthfully no more than a shack. The others exchanged nervously happy glances, glad that she approved after all that Wyatt had complained about having to build it.
    “Oh, and there’s furniture!” Millie’s voice called in a muffled echo from inside the walls. “However did you manage that, Mr. Flynn?”
    Wyatt rolled his eyes. The furniture hadn’t been difficult to make at all considering it only consisted of a narrow slat

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