
Allegra by Shelley Hrdlitschka Read Free Book Online

Book: Allegra by Shelley Hrdlitschka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Hrdlitschka
Tags: JUV026000, JUV031040, JUV031020
cabinet. I can see now that the tattoo on his arm is a name with two dates separated by a dash written beneath it: the span of someone’s life. I wonder whose. It’s written in beautiful script. From the look of his arms, Mr. Rocchelli spends some time at the gym. Or maybe they just get like that from all the conducting he does.
    He places the folder on his desk and lays his hand on top of it. “Your exam is in here.”
    â€œAnd?” I ask, fighting back a smile.
    He sits in his chair and studies me for a second. “You really do know your music theory,” he says. He opens the folder and hands the paper to me. Written across the top is 110 % .
    Now I do smile. “What’s the extra ten percent for?”
    â€œFor giving me such detailed answers, far beyond what I would expect from a student completing my class.”
    I lean back, relaxed. “So? Will you sign my release now?”
    He chuckles and leans back too. He runs his hands through his hair and then clasps them behind his head. “Do you really want out that badly?”
    I shrug. “I really want to dance—as much as possible.”
    â€œBut you just told me that you already take so many classes you’ve lost count of the hours.”
    â€œThat’s the only way to get good.”
    He nods. “But you don’t want to do anything to excess. We talked about how it’s important to find balance in our lives.”
    â€œ You talked about that.”
    He nods and smiles. “I guess you’re right.” He pauses. “The thing is, Allegra, you’ve shown me, without a doubt, that you know your theory. What I want to know now is whether you can actually apply that theory to a composition.”
    â€œI have to compose something?”
    â€œNo, not exactly. You see, I’ve written a simple melody. What I want you to do is expand it and write the conductor’s score, including every instrument in the orchestra.”
    I just stare at him.
    â€œMy melody is like a black-and-white sketch. I want you to turn it into a full-color painting. You’ll need to learn the range of each instrument and write notes that the instrument is capable of. You’ll need to know the key of each instrument and its clefs. The final music score should also be written without a thousand ledger lines, with each instrument written vertically on the page.”
    â€œBut I don’t play all the instruments.”
    He points to the sound room. “All the equipment you’ll need is in there. I’ll teach you how to use it. You won’t actually need to know how to play the instruments. The computer program will do that for you.”
    I try to process what all this entails.
    â€œFor bonus marks, you can prepare the sheet music for each instrument and its various parts—for example, first clarinet, second clarinet, etcetera. And then, for extra bonus marks, we’ll give it to the senior orchestra and you’ll rehearse it with them and then perform it at the spring gala.”
    â€œAnything else?” I ask. I hope he realizes I’m being sarcastic.
    â€œYeah, if you really want to impress me, you can choreograph a dance to go with it too. I’m sure Ms. Dekker would help you gather a group to perform it.”
    I just stare at him.
    â€œYou could even add an eight-part choral arrangement. I’ll provide the chamber choir.” He smiles. “What do you think?”
    â€œI think you’re out of your mind.”
    He throws back his head and laughs. “Miss Allegra doesn’t sound so confident anymore.”
    â€œWhat’s in it for me?”
    â€œAn A-plus.”
    â€œHey! I should already get an A-plus! I aced the exam.”
    â€œOh c’mon, Allegra. You’re not at this school for the grades. You’re here to learn, to grow. I want you to dig deep. I don’t want this to be a superficial exercise. I’m looking for a masterpiece

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