AMP Rebellion

AMP Rebellion by Stephen Arseneault Read Free Book Online

Book: AMP Rebellion by Stephen Arseneault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Arseneault
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
happen Colonel. If you think you need more time that is your problem not ours. On my mark you will have precisely 15 minutes before we start shutting things down. I have faith in you Colonel. Make it happen."
    The comm went silent for ten minutes as the Colonel moved his men into position outside the power station. McKinzey's chief aide buzzed us on the comm.
    York answered, "I hope this is good news."
    The aide replied, "This is Giles Rement. I am a direct aide of the President. He has authorized me to negotiate Sergeant, but I need more time as a sign of good faith."
    York responded, "Sorry Sir. We set the rules. You have four minutes and 19 seconds to give us good news. In about three minutes we will begin the shutdown process for the first generator. Time is wasting Mr. Rement."
    The aide replied, "Miss York, your fellow... Defiant soldiers are our guests. I apologize if word was not given as to our intentions early on. Many of the President's political foes wanted your countrymen arrested and charged with sedition. We are attempting to end all of this peacefully so that you can return here to the Grid or go wherever it is that you prefer. We are dealing with high strung politicians Sergeant. This is not something that happens in an instant."
    York replied, "Hmm. Sounds like you are in a bit of a pickle Mr. Rement. But if I don't shut down that first generator in three minutes, I don't think you will take me seriously. McKinzey may have good intentions, but we want a transport out of here. Your politicians can then debate what it is they want to do and why."
    The aide was silent for several seconds. "Miss York. The President would like to speak with you."
    York responded, "Finally. A decision maker. Put him on Mr. Rement."
    President McKinzey spoke, "Sergeant. First I would like to thank you for your service to the Grid directly and then for your assistance in defeating the Milgari. I know it isn't much at this time, but I wanted to offer it anyway. Second. As Mr. Rement said... your fellow Defiant soldiers are not under arrest. They were taken off Grid in an attempt to keep them out of the hands of my political opponents."
    McKinzey continued, "I know it may not mean much to you Sergeant, but I give my word that you and your people will be offered the same courtesy and assistance that we have extended to the others. We are on your side Miss York. Let's end this peacefully. I know you don't want to risk the lives of anyone involved."
    The comm sat silent for nearly a minute.
    York responded, "Mr. President. We are willing to give up if you will keep your word and take us directly to the others. We don't want to be interrogated, we don't want any delays, we just want to be together with our people. If you can guarantee us immediate passage, we will come out."
    McKinzey replied immediately, "Consider it done Miss York. You have my word."
    York closed the comm and turned with a smile. "They took the bait. You just have to know who to talk to. Rodriguez, signal the others that we will be coming their way."
    York pressed the button on her comm bracelet. This is York, bring 'em in. We are headed to the shuttle."
    The comm button was released. "Jones, gather the dart guns when they get here. I have a special hiding place here in the power station for them. It was my hideaway as a kid when my father was on duty. I would rather they not know how we disabled the guards so that option to use them stays open in the future."
    When the 75 Defiant citizens had gathered, and the dart guns had been sufficiently hidden, the blast doors to Raven gate were unsealed and opened. The Defiant teams came out peacefully.
    An instant rush of soldiers moved in, corralling the group and forcing us into two single file lines.
    A Major in charge spoke, "Listen up! We are headed to Alpha bay. Just keep moving. And no talking! We just want to take you to be transported to the others. Make it easy on us and we'll make it easy on you."
    The march was seven

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