Angel and the Assassin

Angel and the Assassin by Fyn Alexander Read Free Book Online

Book: Angel and the Assassin by Fyn Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fyn Alexander
Tags: General Fiction, BDSM LGBT Erotic Contemporary
make the kill. Angel trusted him completely. He had his back to him. Even if Angel moved at this point, Kael had his body trapped between himself and the edge of the sink. There was no escape. All he needed to do was press the release button with his index finger and the scalpel blade would flick out, cutting deep into the vein.
    Kael would instantly step back to avoid blood spatter and would leave the way he had entered, through the French windows in the lounge.
    Becoming conscious that neither of them had moved in almost a minute, Kael looked up. The window was bare, casting their reflections in the darkened glass above the sink. Angel remained completely motionless, looking into Kael‟s reflected face. Kael looked at Angel‟s reflection, and their gazes met.
    Angel pressed his back against Kael‟s abdomen. His body melded into Kael‟s just as it had when the boy had thrown himself into his arms in the shower moments after pissing himself with fear.
    “Life takes strange turns sometimes, doesn‟t it, Daddy?” Angel said very quietly.
    Kael brought his left hand down, slipping the scalpel back into his pocket.
    With his right arm, he hugged Angel tightly to his chest. They continued to look at each other in the window. “Yes it does, very strange. Put the glass down, and turn off the tap.” Kael did not want to touch anything else. “Have you got a passport?”
    There was no choice. Either he killed Angel or he took him home.
    Ten minutes later they left through the French windows, the same way Kael had entered two hours earlier. It was the longest time he had ever spent in the target‟s location after a kill.

2Chapter Four
    Logan International Airport, Boston
    Kael placed his maroon-colored passport on the British Airways counter. “Two first-class seats to London, England, on the next flight.”
    The steward surveyed Kael appreciatively, opening the passport. “Certainly, Mr. Carpe. Does the young man have a passport too?”
    Kael took Angel‟s passport from his hand and offered it to the steward, who checked the picture. “Angel Gabriel Button?”
    “That‟s me.” There was a distinct flirtatiousness in the tilt of his head and the eye contact that lasted a fraction too long. With the back of his hand, Kael slapped Angel lightly in the shoulder. The boy straightened up and frowned. “What‟d I do, Daddy?”
    Kael leaned into his face, speaking so that only Angel could hear. “If I catch you flirting, I‟ll slap your arse.”
    “I‟m sorry, Daddy.”
    Kael pierced the boy with a look and moved him aside with an arm. Angel stood behind him submissively while Kael pulled out a gold credit card to pay for the flights.
    “Do you have any luggage, sir?” the steward asked.
    “No, I travel light.” Kael met the man‟s eyes. He‟d always had a killer smile and used it to distract people from further questions. “Just the boy‟s bag, and we‟ll carry it on.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    In the departure lounge, they sat looking out at the planes taking off and landing in the darkness, when Michael Jackson‟s “Beat It” came from Angel‟s pocket. He pulled out his mobile.
    Kael snatched it out of his hand and flipped it open. Angel‟s mouth opened in protest, then closed quickly. “Who‟s Danny?” Kael asked.
    “Just a boy. We met on the beach in Provincetown a few weeks ago. We kissed a bit but nothing else.”
    “You won‟t need to speak to him again then.” Kael snapped the phone in two and stood up to toss it in a nearby bin.
    “Why?” Angel spread his hands, confused.
    “It won‟t work in England.”
    An hour later they boarded the plane. Kael could never fit comfortably into a regular seat on a plane, and anyway, he would not dream of traveling anything but first-class. The first-class cabin was almost empty, and he was grateful; the fewer people who saw him with Angel, the better. Between airport security and CCTV
    cameras everywhere, they would not go unnoticed for long. He

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