Beguiled (Book 2 Immortal Essence series)

Beguiled (Book 2 Immortal Essence series) by Rashelle Workman Read Free Book Online

Book: Beguiled (Book 2 Immortal Essence series) by Rashelle Workman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rashelle Workman
least I could do.
    Ramien read my hesitation. “I promise. This is the only way. Even your gods, Ith and Aetha, would concur that the only way to release a soul is through me.” He stepped closer , and I smelled the syrupy stench of his breath.
    What other choice did I have ? If only Zaren were here. He would know what course to take.
    “This is a limited time offer.”
    I nodded. “ Fine. Yes. Agreed.” My heart sank into my throat.
    A radiant grin broke across his face, and he cheered like a jovial boy.

6. One
    “What is it you want?” A menacing anxiety filled in what ever cracks hadn’t already solidified with pain. A part of me felt separate from what happened. The idea that I was in Helker, making deals, seeing tortured souls, and Angela’s face fall off—it all seemed unreal. My insides churned as I debated how I got myself into this mess. I should’ve been in bed, thinking of Zaren, and finding out how to help my sister, and my parents. Not wher ever I was, making deals with a demon .
    It is real. Believe it. Ramien is deadly serious . Tortevia seemed disappointed. She told me not to agree to whatever Ramien wanted, but I didn’t see another way to save my parents. Whatever it was he wanted, I’d give it. Do it. My parents needed me, and I was their only salvation.  
    “First things first. We need a toast.” Ramien took two gemstone goblets from a nearby table. They filled of their own volition with a clear, sparkling liquid. He handed one to me. “Here’s to a new age . One where y ou and I rule the Universe —together .” He winked.
    “You seem pretty sure of yourself. What makes you think I’d do anything with you?” I took a sip of the bubbly liquid, hoping to rid my mouth of its ashy taste. The drink was actually quite refreshing. I drained the glass.
    “Because you said ‘ yes, ’ dear Venus.”
    I swallowed and it felt li ke sand going down my throat. “To w hat?”
    He sauntered over and pulled me by the shoulders to my feet “I’ll free your parents when you become my wife.”
    “Your wife?” Michael burst into the room and pushed Ramien away from me . “I never agreed to such BS ! She’s . . . she’s . . . ”
    Michael rubbernecked his gaze between Ramien and me. I knew the word Michael wanted to say. I knew what he believed. Just like the night in the cave, the night he declared his love, the night I became immortal. He believed I was his.
    Ramie n completed Michael’s sentence . “Yours. Is that the word you are too cowardly to say? ” Ramien seethed. H is skin rippled, fading in and out. “What a disgrace to your heritage. Your birthright. A true ferether doesn’t have emotion except those he creates by causing souls to suffer. How can you be my son if y ou retain fe elings for her ? ” He spat out the word s , shoving a finger into Michael’s chest as he spoke.
    “I won’t let you touch her again.” Michael leaned into Ramien’s as sault. Fury radiated from him. N ervous , I stepped away from them . The air hissed with their heated energy.
    “You’re weak ,” Ramien continued, his voice lowered, more menacing . “ You possess unlimited power, but you don’t know how to use it. I wanted to be your te acher, train you, but alas . . . a teacher must have a willing student. ” He paused a moment. Then spitting in Michael’s face, he went on, “You may think you can stop me, but—”
    Michael suddenly had a gun . It just appeared in his hand from out of nowhere. B efore I blinked , he shot Ramien in the face. Pieces of Ramien went everywhere, like paint spattering across a canvas. My stomach turned. White lights spotted my vision. Michael grabbed my hand and said, “Run!”
    My head spinning, I took off after him. “ Where did you get a gun? Is he dead?”
    He answered my ques tions quickly and succinctly . “ Out of thin air. Not even close.” Michael gave me a quick smile. “We’re getting out of here.”
    “ Fabu ,” I said as I ran

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