Big Girls Drama

Big Girls Drama by Tresser Henderson Read Free Book Online

Book: Big Girls Drama by Tresser Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tresser Henderson
highway to get to me. So I decided to wait.
    Then Mom came to mind. I wasn’t sure if calling her was a good idea either, but I needed someone to talk to. I could call Monica or Sonya, but they had their own things going on, and I wasn’t ready to unload yet another chapter in the life of how mine was so bad. So I decided Mom was who I was going to call.
    â€œHi, Mom.”
    Hearing her voice caused me to break down again, but I managed to keep my sobs under control.
    â€œHi, honey. How are you?”
    Mom sounded happy, which made me even sadder because I knew what I had to tell her would change her mood. I knew I could pretend like everything was okay, but she would figure it out. So I might as well go with my original plan by talking to her about this. I just hoped I wasn’t making a big mistake by doing this.
    Most kids usually could talk with their mother about anything, but in my case, I couldn’t. My father was that person for me, and he was no longer here. My mom always seemed distant in a way, and I never felt that mother-daughter connection I thought a daughter should have with her mother.
    â€œMom, I’m not doing so good.”
    â€œWhy, Kellie? What’s going on?”
    I couldn’t say anything as I heard the concern dripping from her words. Even though Mom got on my nerve at times, she did have a tender side. To hear her worried about me caused me to hesitate for a moment.
    â€œKellie, are you there?”
    â€œI’m here, Mom,” I struggled to answer.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?”
    â€œI found out today that I have a sexually transmitted disease.”
    â€œAnd as if that’s not bad enough, this disease could have caused damage to the point I may not be able to have children.”
    â€œLord, have mercy. The devil is sure doing his job, ain’t he?”
    I was waiting for her to say I told you so, and my mother didn’t disappoint.
    â€œSo I take it you got this disease from that Jeffrey?” she asked.
    â€œYes, Mom.”
    â€œI knew it. I knew nothing good was going to come from you marrying that man. I tried to tell you.”
    â€œMom, please. I don’t need to hear this right now.”
    â€œWell, somebody needs to tell you. You’re a big girl wanting to live this life with a man way too old for you, if you ask me. That man has done nothing but bring drama to your life.”
    I almost hung up on her. I’d done it before but quickly apologized knowing it was disrespectful. But sometimes Mom never said what I wanted to hear. Why couldn’t she just say it’s going to be okay, or she was here for me? That was what I wanted to hear.
    â€œMom, I’m married, so it’s done. Can you just please be a mom for once and console me without telling me what I’ve done wrong?”
    â€œIf I don’t tell you, then who will?”
    â€œSo is that what we’re doing?” I asked.
    â€œWhat do you mean?”
    â€œMy life may not be perfect, Mom, but the one thing I haven’t done is turn my back on my family.”
    Mom said nothing.
    â€œWhen was the last time you talked to Vic?”
    â€œI don’t know who you are talking about,” she replied in a disdainful tone.
    â€œHe’s your son, remember?”
    â€œVictor is dead to me, Kellie.”
    â€œHow can you say that?”
    â€œNo son of mine is going to live his life being in love with another man, do you hear me!” Mom yelled.
    â€œOh, I hear you. I just can’t understand how you can call yourself a Christian woman and turn your back on your fellow man, and this man happens to be one you gave birth to. Are you trying to say God made a mistake blessing you with him?” I asked.
    â€œThe Bible says—”
    I interrupted responding with, “I know what the Bible says, Mom. You’ve shoved that scripture down our throats so much that it’s burn into our

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