Breath of Air

Breath of Air by Katie Jennings Read Free Book Online

Book: Breath of Air by Katie Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Jennings
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary
smiled warmly and winked, brushing at a curly strand of wine colored hair that had fallen in front of her foxy triangular face that sported a light dusting of freckles. It was a face that was more given to sharp angles than soft curves, which only served to heighten her charm. “So Liam found you! I always knew he’d amount to something.”
    “Oh, shut up.” Liam said, playfully pulling her into a headlock with his arm. “Someone’s gotta be the role model around here.”
    “Dream on, buddy.” Blythe elbowed him in the gut and wrestled her way out of his strangle-hold. It was obvious to Capri that they were not only close friends, but as close to being brother and sister as two people can get without being related. She felt a hot rush of envy come over her just thinking about it.
    Clynn cleared his throat, looking amused. “Anyway, this is Liam’s father, Lucian.”
    The man with the long white hair nodded at her, his smile quick and infectious just like his son’s. His blue eyes were bright and humorous, set in a long face that was youthful despite his age. “Welcome home, dear. You’ll have to excuse the children; I don’t know why we keep them around.”
    “Hey!” Liam called out as he and Blythe stopped wrestling each other. “You love us, don’t lie.”
    Lucian sighed heavily, but his eyes twinkled with amusement. “I fear my love for you dried up long ago, son of mine.”
    Liam pouted playfully. “Capri, convince your father to adopt me. Mine clearly doesn’t appreciate me.”
    Capri grinned. “I want him all to myself, sorry.”
    “Let me introduce you to the Furies, darling.” Clynn interjected, pulling her away.
    They approached the rough and tumble looking men, who now sat together near one of the windows. The four of them stood up simultaneously when they saw Capri.
    “We thought we’d never see you again, girl.” The older man with the scarred face said in a booming voice, holding out his hand and grinning. His hand was just as scarred as his bearded face, and he was powerfully built and muscular, towering over her and her father. “I’m Roarke, and this is my son Rian.”
    Roarke shook Capri’s hand vigorously, and she noticed that his hand was much rougher than Rohan’s. She was curious to learn the reason why. Roarke nodded to his son, the young man with the dark blonde hair, who took her hand in his firmly. He was slightly shorter than Liam, more stockily built, and while he wasn’t as boyishly handsome as the Water Dryad, his face was compelling in a different way. It was sharper somehow, harder, as though he rarely had the occasion to laugh or even smile. His serious blue eyes bore into hers, and she had the distinct impression of being assessed. He said nothing, but merely bowed his head in acknowledgement.
    He let go and shifted aside to allow the other two men to approach.
    “This is Balgaire and his son Brogan.” Clynn introduced, and Capri shook their hands in turn. Balgaire was tall like Roarke, but leaner, sparer almost. He had a full head of dark hair and thick brows that arched over eerily dark eyes, with a clean shaven face tanned and lined with age. Unlike his partner, this man projected not charisma and power, but a kind of quiet and sharp intellect which led her to wonder if Balgaire was the brains behind Roarke’s brawn.
    His son, in turn, was also slender, and his handshake much softer than that of his fellow Furies. When his eyes met hers, he seemed a bit nervous, as though he would have preferred quiet solitude to this impromptu party. He looked away from her the moment she let go of his hand, returning his stare resolutely to the floor.
    When her father continued, Capri turned her attention away from shy Brogan. “They are Furies, basically like the Police force here on Euphora.”
    So that was why he acted like a cop, Capri realized, her eyes shifting to Rian, who was still watching her closely. He basically was one.
    “Clynn, we’re much more than your

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