Cat Scratch Fever

Cat Scratch Fever by Jodi Redford Read Free Book Online

Book: Cat Scratch Fever by Jodi Redford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Redford
buried balls-deep inside her. Hell, his dick was all for the two of them becoming best buds in that regard.
    “Please, don’t make me laugh. Besides, could you imagine trying to explain you and me tripping the mattress fantastic to your father?” She wiggled her leg out of his grasp. “He practically suffered a stroke when he walked in on us in your kitchen. No way would he be able to survive finding out we’re having sex.”
    The mention of Foster Morgan managed to douse his desire better than a fire hose aimed directly at his groin. “Why the hell would my dad need to know anything about us?” Not like he would say anything to his old man. What he did with his dick wasn’t Foster’s damn business.
    Lilly’s expression suggested that he’d spontaneously become retarded. “Your father knows everything that happens in this town. Before it actually happens .”
    Unfortunately, that was all too true. He swiped his hand over his mouth, wishing he could so easily rid himself of the bitter aftertaste that always accompanied any conversation regarding Foster. “My dad can think whatever he wants. I don’t give two shits.”
    Lilly blinked as if she was surprised by his vehemence. Likely she was. There weren’t many who knew about the tense relationship he shared with his dad. Certainly not an outsider like Lilly. She bit her lip and struggled into a sitting position. “I still think you and I getting naked together would be a massive mistake. In addition to the fact that we don’t like each other, there’s the land deal to consider. I can’t afford to complicate things between us.”
    He gaped at her. “For the love of God, woman, how many damn times do I have to tell you I’m not selling?”
    Her chin adopted the obstinate slant that never failed to make him long for the ability to conjure a bottle of whiskey at will. “Sooner or later, you’re going to give in.”
    “Don’t count on it.” He pushed to his feet and stalked toward the exit. “I’ll call Shane and have him swing by tonight with the plow.” Just as his hand closed around the doorknob, he caught another alluring whiff of her pheromones. He clenched his jaw. “I advise staying out of Shane’s way. He might not have the same restraint when it comes to your condition as I do.” Hell, talk about a crock of shit. If she so much as crooked a finger right now, he’d lunge across the room and be buried inside her in zero seconds flat.
    He let the door slam behind him and loped down the steps to his truck. Eight minutes later, he pulled into his driveway and cut the engine. As soon as he walked inside the house, Chevy came careening into the living room and leapt at him in exuberant greeting. Well, at least someone was happy to see him. After giving the dog a proper pat on the head, Dante traipsed into the kitchen and snagged a beer from the fridge. Using the hem of his shirt, he twisted the cap off and chugged down a quarter of the bottle before coming up for air.
    Having Lilly safely out of reach wasn’t easing his horniness anywhere near as quick as he would have liked. He’d never been this on edge, itchy to sink inside warm, wet pussy. Despite the winter chill still tenaciously clinging to him, beads of sweat rolled beneath his collar, soaking the cotton of his shirt. He ripped his jacket off and tossed it toward the La-Z-Boy. Feeling like a caged beast, he prowled the room. Chevy jumped onto the sofa and spun in the mandatory half a dozen circles before deeming the cushions comfortable enough to lie on. Resting his muzzle on his paws, he watched Dante with droopy eyes.
    Dante slashed a look toward the door, debating the feasibility of riding into town and finding a willing bed partner for the night. It usually wasn’t his style. Not that he was a damn monk or anything. Though lately, he sure as hell came close to resembling one. Thanks to the ever-lovin’ fear Anna Gifford generated in the Morgan pack’s female members, the sexual

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