Chasing Destiny

Chasing Destiny by J.D. Rivera Read Free Book Online

Book: Chasing Destiny by J.D. Rivera Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Rivera
her, I wrapped my arms around her torso and lifted, spinning her around in a circle a few times. Placing her back on the ground, I turned her around to face me. She wobbled and grabbed my arms to keep from falling. “Dizzy? Serves you right for hitting me in the face. I should tickle the shit out of you for that.”
    “It was an accident! I have bad aim,” she exclaimed, but I could see the twinkle in her eye.
    “Yeah, and I’m ugly.”
    “So you agree I’m telling the truth?”
    I narrowed my eyes as her lips stretched into a grin. She started to step backward, but I caught her by the arms. “Careful there, last time you took a step backward you rolled your cute little ass to the bottom.”
    “I didn’t roll all the way to the bottom. I was only like halfway down the hill.”
    “Okay,” I placated. “If that is what you want to believe. How about we head back to the apartment and get out of these wet clothes.”
    She smiled and her gorgeous brown eyes lit up. “Sure. And we need to get some snow to make ice cream. There aren’t too many people out yet, so I bet we can find some that’s still clean.”
    “Now you’re talking.” I took her hand and we began walking toward the apartment, grabbing the sled from where we had left it.
    “Even though I am freezing my ass off, I’m glad you dragged me out here. I had a lot of fun, Carson.” She squeezed my hand.
    “I’m glad.”
    We walked the rest of the way to the apartment in silence. As we approached the door, a thought occurred to me. “What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?”
    “Probably studying,” she said as she slid her key into the lock.
    “How about I take you out? I’ll even take you home with me afterward.”
    “Like a date?”
    She opened the door and I walked in after her. I slipped my boots off in the entry before I answered her question, trying to think it over. “Yes,” I began, “like a date. I’ll take you out to dinner and everything. Only we won’t kiss—unless you can’t control yourself—and it’ll be fun. I’m sure the doodling shithead never knew how to have fun.”
    She bit the inside of her lip as she took off the top layer of her clothes. “I think that sounds good.”
    How many sweatshirts does she have on
, I thought as I leaned against the wall to gawk—Kristin was too gorgeous not to watch. “How many more layers until I get to see your bra?”
    “What?” she exclaimed.
    “I’m just wondering how many layers you have on. Odds are when you get down closer to the bottom layer, your shirt will ride up.”
    “You are such a perv,” she stated, cracking a smile. “I may change my mind and turn your date down. Or maybe I’ll lead you on then ditch you.”
    I chuckled as I walked to the cabinet and pulled out a bowl. “You won’t do that. You’ll want the opportunity to go out on a date with a guy as handsome as me.”
    She snorted and shook her head. “Go get some snow and I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”
    “Can we cuddle on the couch later? I know you love that.”
    “Go,” she yelled, pointing to the door.
    I left, a huge smile planted on my face. Once I filled the bowl, I returned to the apartment, feeling free and happy.
    I opened the door as I heard Kristin say, “I guess I can. Are you sure you need me to go? Okay, fine I’ll go.” She looked in my direction as I stood on the opposite side of the counter. “Look, I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you Wednesday.”
    She hit end on her screen, then placed her phone on the counter. “Hot chocolate is ready.”
    I so badly wanted to ask who she had been talking to, but I wasn’t her boyfriend and it wasn’t my place. I just hoped it wasn’t her ex. “Sounds good. Let me make this first,” I said, gesturing to the bowl. “Before it melts.”
    “Okay. I’ll find something for us to watch on Netflix.” She rounded the corner to walk into the living room and I watched her. She seemed very nervous all of a sudden—biting her thumbnail

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