Delver Magic Book VII: Altered Messages

Delver Magic Book VII: Altered Messages by Jeff Inlo Read Free Book Online

Book: Delver Magic Book VII: Altered Messages by Jeff Inlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Inlo
forest where Pru last examined.
    "He went that way?"
    "Yeah, moved pretty fast. Arranged the fingers and then took off. Doesn't seem he wanted anything else."
    "That matches what Ryson told me."
    Pru knew of the purebred delver. They weren't friends, only spoke to each other on a few occasions, but Pru respected Ryson's abilities.
    "It's a difficult scene to examine," the half-delver admitted. "Some of those fingers were older than the others, pretty rotten and really smelled up the place. But if both Acumen and I are in agreement, then I'd say it's pretty definite Okyiq just wanted to leave the message and get out."
    "Was he alone?"
    "Yeah. He did all of this himself and he left by himself. I'm sure of it."
    "Anything else you can tell me?"
    "Nothing you don't already know. He's big... large tracks for a goblin. Hard to believe. Heavy, too. Moves pretty quick for his size, about as agile as a regular goblin. He doesn't let his bulk encumber him, at least not from what I can see of his tracks. He maneuvered through certain sections of the forest without any apparent problem."
    "You're right," Sy revealed. "I am aware of all that. He's hit us before and I've seen him in action. But I am surprised he was alone. He knew how to lead a raid."
    "This wasn't a raid," Pru responded. "He was just leaving a message. He didn't need anyone else for that. Other goblins might have got in his way."
    "But they could have watched his back. He was vulnerable here, at least for a while."
    "Can't argue that, but he was careful. He scouted the area before he left his little message to make sure there were no patrols. Once he started, he didn't waste any time."
    "There might not have been patrols, but Ryson was running outside the walls with his dog. If Ryson came out a bit earlier, he could have caught Okyiq in the act."
    "Mayb e, but that doesn't mean Okyiq would want to bring other goblins with him. I'm not saying he's still on his own now. If he's everything you say, he's probably already rounding up a new batch of goblins to lead. I just understand why he wouldn't want them with him for this. He didn't mess around. He came in quick and got out."
    "You're probably right. Any other opinions?"
    Pru paused to give one quick look across the grounds and peered off in the direction he knew Okyiq escaped. He considered all the facts and then revealed his only consideration.
    "No, just a question. You still want me to go after him?"
    "I don't believe there's much of a choice."
    "There's always a choice," Pru pointed out. It wasn't out of apprehension or moral conscience that led the half-delver to make the remark. Pru simply believed nothing was carved in stone.
    Sy understood Pru's contention, but he spelled out the facts.
    "Like I told you, he's hit us before. He thinks this part of the forest belongs to him, thinks Burbon is part of what he owns. He's not going to leave us alone, so in that regard, I don't think there are any choices."
    "Sure there are. You could increase patrols and wait him out. You could draft most of the citizens into the guard and put them on the walls with bows. You could even tell the elves what happened here. They won't be any happier about this than you are. You could let them deal with it."
    "I don't like handing my problems over to somebody else."
    "You're handing them over to me," Pru responded bluntly.
    "That's not what I mean, and you know it," Sy shot back, slightly annoyed by the remark. "I'm dealing with the problem with the resources I have. That doesn't mean I'm willing to throw it in some elf's lap and just walk away. I'm paying you a pretty sizable sum. If you don't want the money, fine. I'll find someone else that does."
    "Oh, I want the money. You know my price, and it's not cheap. I'm just pointing out your alternatives. I don't want you to think I'm cheating you."
    Whenever a discussion with mercenaries turned to payment, Sy always gained a greater appreciation for his dealings with Ryson. The captain may

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