Desperate and Daring 02 - Belle of the Ball

Desperate and Daring 02 - Belle of the Ball by Ella J. Quince Read Free Book Online

Book: Desperate and Daring 02 - Belle of the Ball by Ella J. Quince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella J. Quince
    “Whatever you need, you only have to ask.”
    Anabelle smiled and looked away in a sudden burst of shyness. She took a deep breath, stretching the limits of her low cut bodice. She could feel his eyes on her, on the slopes of her breasts. She let him look all he wished. She wanted him to see her as a woman, to see her as his future wife and lover.
    She flushed. She couldn’t help it. This was new territory for her and far from her comfort zone. But, if it meant a marriage of love and passion, then it was worth every uncomfortable moment.
    The musicians began an intro piece and it was a mad shuffle of bodies before the dance floor appeared. Her dragon led the way and guests parted before him like the red sea. They took up their positions. The music was light and airy, which was at odds with the heavy tension she felt. Every time he touched her, she felt a jolt of energy. By the time the dance was over, she was ready to hand her domino over to a passing footman. She was nervous. She was making an obvious statement with her dress.
    The tension between them grew thick it seemed. His attention was rarely not on her and he often stood so close she could feel the brush of his velvet domino against the exposed skin of her arms. It felt tantalizing and wicked. Was she in over her head? Was she conveying more than she wished? She wanted to invite him to want her in a romantic fashion with marriage in mind, not a liaison. His gaze, hidden though it was, felt so intense at times that she was worried he might get the wrong idea. She pushed the thought aside. Lord Marcus would not get the wrong idea. He was the consummate gentleman.
    All she wanted was a kiss from him, a kiss to determine if there was something stronger between them, the elusive something that she searched for. She would not marry with anything less.
    “Shall we stroll the gardens?” Lucy suggested on the arm of a lion.
    Hazel nodded. “It would be a relief from this crush.”
    Anabelle and her dragon followed without a word. Her nerves stretched even tighter as the possibilities of the garden offered a chance to allow Lord Marcus liberties. They exited the terrace doors left open for the guests and followed the terrace steps down. It was a topiary garden, strung with lanterns and busy with other strolling guests. It was magical, but hardly the private romantic venue she was searching for. They walked slowly pausing to look at the various animals carved from hedges. Footmen were staged at nearly every turn.
    Anabelle was disappointed, but the evening had only just begun. She hoped Lord Marcus was sharing her thoughts. They returned to the terrace but were hesitant to return to the sweltering ballroom.
    “There are ices in the drawing room courtesy of Gunter’s,” the lion offered.
    “That sounds lovely!” Hazel grinned.
    “And refreshing,” Lucy added. She turned to Anabelle. “Are you coming?”
    Anabelle hesitated. “I think I will linger out here a bit longer. My slippers are not holding up as well as I hoped.”
    “We will bring you one then,” Hazel offered.
    Once alone, Anabelle didn’t know what to say. She looked over the garden and hoped Lord Marcus would lead the way.
    “Are your slippers hurting you?”
    She smiled and turned to him. “No, I just didn’t want to return just yet. It is too stuffy in there, even for ices.”
    “I agree. The crowd is bothersome.”
    Anabelle looked down and bit her lip. “It’s even crowded out here.”
    He was silent for a moment. “There is something I would like to show you,” he suggested. “It’s just around the corner, but we would be alone.”
    Anabelle’s breath caught in the excitement. She turned to him. “What is it you want to show me?”
    “A fountain.”
    “Then show me this fountain.”

Chapter 6
    They slipped around the corner and were out of sight in the shadows of the house. They followed a pathway along the house until they reached a gate. It creaked only a little as he

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