
Devolution by Chris Papst Read Free Book Online

Book: Devolution by Chris Papst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Papst
husband an unforgiving glare as she calmed the child. “What do you mean?”
    “The terrorists.”
    Emma put the baby on her shoulder and faced Tony.
    “I have to talk to them.” He fiddled in his pocket for his phone.
    Emma looked perplexed. Her husband’s anger seemed misplaced.
    Tony first called Pugh, then Sykes, and finally, Cunnington. They all agreed to meet at noon for lunch at a cafe in downtown London.
    Tony was the first to arrive. He informed the waitress of their meeting and requested privacy.
    In House-of-Commons-style, the other three arrived on time. They sat down in an awkward manner.
    “Tony, we can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to do this anymore,” Sykes said softly as not to be overheard. “I can’t sleep at night knowing that I lied to my country. My constituents trusted me. I think I might even leave the island for some time.”
    “Me, too,” Pugh said. He appeared unusually skittish. “I feel like they’re listening. I don’t feel safe in my car, at work, on the phone, in my house. If I leave politics, maybe I can get my life back. Right now, I don’t feel like I have one.”
    “This is not right,” pleaded Manning. “How can you walk away? The people deserve more.” He placed his elbows on the table and folded his hands. “I don’t want to start a war, I just want to be honest. We came into the House on a platform of transparency. Let’s honor that commitment.”
    “It’s not worth my family,” Cunnington said unapologetically.
    “If we do this together, the four of us, they can’t retaliate,” Manning insisted. The nation is behind us.”
    The waitress placed water glasses on the table for each of them. As instructed, she left immediately.
    “How do we know they are not listening, right now?” Cunnington asked, watching the waitress approach another table. “It freaks me out.” He lifted his glass to inspect his water. “Does the waitress work for them? I can’t handle this. I have to rid myself of this torment.”
    The other two agreed.
    “Tony, how long have we known each other?” Sykes asked. “Decades, right? You’re one of my best friends and I have always been there for you. And you, me. But on this, I am out. We’re all out.”
    Manning, however, could not let it go.
    “Think of the people who are being wronged. All the tax dollars wasted. How many innocent people have died? We took an oath.” His voice quivered. “We have a responsibility!”
    “Tony, I’m sorry.” Sykes stood up and pushed in his chair. “I appreciate your passion, but I can’t help you.” He turned and walked away.
    “Tony, I am not interested in taking on the government,” Pugh said, standing. “We have a responsibility to our families first. Good luck my friend. I’d hate to see something happen to you.” He followed after Sykes.
    It was now only Manning and Cunnington.
    “Tony, what are you going to do? The pamphlets are gone. Who will believe us? We may be in Parliament, but we have no power. We are moving on. I suggest you do the same.”
    “Will, please,” Tony said, offering one final plea.
    “Tony, that guy in the room was right. They are the good guys. They are on our side. If I have to live in ignorance to keep my life, then so be it.” Will leaned towards Tony and spoke caringly. “We were in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He looked his friend in the eye. “Please, Tony, let it go. This is a battle you won’t win. In fact, it’s one you may not want to win.”
    “I don’t want a battle,” Tony declared, shaking his head.
    “It doesn’t matter what you want. And that is what scares the hell out of me.”
    With that, Cunnington stood and pushed his chair under the table. “I will serve my country until May. Then I am done.”
    Manning soon found himself alone, watching his final ally shrink with each step down the snow blown street. Without help, he knew he could not continue. He would need a conduit to deliver his message. But

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