Every Sunset Forever

Every Sunset Forever by R. E. Butler Read Free Book Online

Book: Every Sunset Forever by R. E. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Butler
various activities, everything from hiking to cooking classes in one of the larger cabins.  He and his brothers had agreed to stick together for the week, so while he was interested in checking out the gym and maybe going for a hike, he knew that Az would prefer to take a cooking class.
    “I think it would be cool to go hiking,” Az said, surprising Fade as he looked over his shoulder.
    “What?  We’re camping, why not hike?  Besides, the cooking class is already filled up,” Az pointed out.
    Fade signed their clan up, and they headed for the meeting area for the one p.m. hike.  One female hyena showed up to the hike and stayed very close to a clan of males who were apparently part of her baro .  Discreetly, Fade scented her and found that not only was his human side not interested in her, but his beast pretty much just yawned.
    Nyte clapped Fade on the shoulder.  “Let’s hike.”
    The land surrounding the campground was heavily wooded.  The hike leaders, a mated clan related to the owners, encouraged everyone to stay on the trail and began walking.  Fade watched as other clans attempted to talk to the female, but the males with her were very possessive and kept snarling.  Overprotective brothers or cousins, perhaps.  It didn’t matter to him in the long run, of course, because she wasn’t meant for them.  If she was theirs, nothing and no one would keep them apart, that was for damn sure.
    The fall air was cool but the sun was shining, and his beast reveled in the woods.  He wanted to shift and go exploring.  Dalton was pretty flat, and although they hunted in the woods of their baro’s territory, the mountains were something special.  He inhaled deeply and froze.
    He smelled something…amazing.  Sweet.  Tempting.
    His brothers stopped next to him, and the hikers continued on around them.  Fade was rooted to the spot, unable to pinpoint what the scent was.  “Do you smell that?” he asked, his voice deeper than usual.
    He heard his brothers inhale and make sounds of surprise.
    “What is it?” Az asked.
    “It’s compelling, whatever it is,” Nyte said.
    Another trail bisected the trail they were on, and just as he was about to suggest they shift and hunt down the source of the scent, a small group appeared and turned down their trail.  Two tall males and one short female.
    “Excuse us,” the female said as they slipped by them.
    Fade scented quickly as she passed.  All three were werewolves, although the female didn’t quite smell like a true wolf.  And although the sweet scent was around her, it didn’t seem to be her own scent.
    Turning so he could watch them walk away, he folded his arms and wondered what the hell was going on.  His beast, which had been fairly quiet since they’d arrived at the campgrounds, was now growling at him.
    “That’s weird,” Nyte said.  “I am curious about the scent but not about the she-wolf.”
    “Me, too,” Az said.
    Feeling torn, Fade turned around and said, “Let’s catch up to the group.  Whatever we’re smelling isn’t her, I’m sure of it.”
    His beast howled in dismay, but he tuned it out.  The wolf was not theirs, so whatever he liked about the scent was not her.  Maybe it was some product that she used.  He refused to chase after her like a madman and demand to know what smelled so good.  Although he didn’t consider the males adversaries, if they were with the she-wolf, they would want to protect her, and he didn’t want to spend the rest of their vacation sporting any fight injuries.
    Sighing inwardly, he focused on the trail ahead of them and tried to forget the alluring scent.
    * * * * *
    Azrael stood on the tiny porch of the cabin and braced his hands on the railing.  The wood felt like it would crumble under his grip, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.  His beast was agitated.  Had been since they went hiking and they had crossed paths with that she-wolf and the two males with her. 

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