Fallen Angels 02 - Crave

Fallen Angels 02 - Crave by J.R. Ward Read Free Book Online

Book: Fallen Angels 02 - Crave by J.R. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. Ward
Tags: A Novel of The Fallen Angels
open the file, and looked at the reports in it.
    He was going to keep his eye on her until she was safely out of there.
    The thing was, down at the jail, there were two kinds of people: insiders and outsiders.

    J.R. Ward
    Outsiders got treated polite and all, but insiders…particularly nice, young insiders with beautiful smiles and a lot of class…they got taken care of.
    And that meant Shawn C., the guard, would be parked out in the hall, looking through the chicken-wire window the entire time that that homicidal maniac who‟d been arrested for cage fighting was in with their girl.
    If that motherfucker so much as breathed wrong around her, well…suffice it to say that in Billy‟s shop, no one was above a little corrective action: All the guards and staff knew about the dark corner in the basement where there were no security cameras and no one could hear an asshole scream when payback turned into a bitch.
    Billy leaned back in his chair and shook his head. Nice girl in there, real nice. Course, given what had happened to her brother…Hard lives had a way of making for nice, didn‟t they.

    Grier Childe sat in front of a stainless-steel table on a cold stainless-steel chair that was across from another stainless-steel chair. All of the furniture was bolted to the floor and the only other fixtures were the security camera up in the corner and an overhead lightbulb that had a cage around it. The walls were concrete block that had been painted so many times it was nearly wallpaper smooth, and the air smelled like rotgut floor cleaner, the cologne of the last attorney who‟d been in the room, and old cigarettes.
    The place couldn‟t have been more different from where she usually worked. The Boston offices of Palmer, Lords, Childe, Stinston & Dodd looked like a museum of nineteenth-century furniture and artwork. PLCS&D had no armed guards, no metal detectors, and nothing was screwed into place so it couldn‟t be stolen or thrown at somebody.
    There the uniforms came from Brooks Brothers and Burberry.
    She‟d been doing pro bono public defending for about two years, and it had taken her at least twelve months to get in good with the front desk and the staff and the guards. But now it was like old-home week whenever she came here, and she honestly loved the people.
    Lot of good folks doing hard jobs in the system.
    Opening up the file of her newest client, she reviewed the charges, intake form, and history: Isaac Rothe, age twenty-six, apartment down on Tremont Street. Unemployed. No priors.
    Arrested along with eight others as part of a bust the night before on an underground gambling and fighting ring. No warrant needed because the fighters were trespassing on private property.
    According to the police report, her client was in the ring at the time the police infiltrated.
    Apparently the guy he‟d fought was getting treated at Mass General—
    It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday morning…Do you know where your life is?
    Keeping her head down, Grier squeezed her eyes shut. “Not now, Daniel.”
    I’m just saying. As her dead brother‟s voice drifted in and out of her head from behind, the disembodied sound made her feel utterly crazy. You’re thirty-two years old, and instead of cozying up to some hot boy toy, you’re sitting here in the police station with sucky coffee—
    “I don‟t have any coffee.”
    At that moment, the door swung wide and Billy rolled in. “Thought you might like some wake-up.”
    Bingo , her brother said.
    Shut. Up , she thought back at him.

    “Billy, that‟s really kind of you.” She took what the supervisor offered, the warmth of the paper cup bleeding into her palm.
    “Well, you know, it‟s dishwater. We all hate it.” Billy smiled. “But it‟s a tradition.”
    “It sure is.” She frowned as he lingered. “Something wrong?”
    Billy patted the vacant chair next to him. “Would you mind sitting here for me?”
    Grier lowered the cup. “Of course not, but

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