Good Time Bad Boy
that? You can’t do this job and the only way you’ve got it is because of nepotism. That’s why your momma and your granny pressured Randy into letting you do this. They know you can’t get a job on your own merits.”
    Josh pointed at the door. “Get your things and get out.”
    “Yep. Gettin’ right on that.” She stormed out.
    Daisy managed to make it home before giving in to the tears.

Chapter 6
    W ade woke slowly to find himself on the couch. His head pounded and his mouth tasted horrible and going back to sleep seemed like the thing to do. A persistent knocking wouldn’t let him, though. He tried to ignore it but it refused to stop. He finally pulled himself up and attempted to walk. It didn’t go well but he did manage to stay upright. He’d take his victories where he could get them these days.
    The knocking was coming from the door. He couldn’t remember the combination to his gun safe, so sadly he couldn’t shoot whoever wouldn’t go away.
    He opened the door to his kid brother’s obnoxiously healthy looking face. “Are you here to arrest me?”
    “Don’t tempt me.” Chris barreled past the threshold. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
    “I’m hung over.” Wade glanced down at himself to see that he was still wearing yesterday’s clothes. “And I need a shower.”
    “And you’re an asshole. Why did you get Daisy McNeil fired? Just because she wouldn’t take any shit off you. What kind of dick move is that?”
    Wade rubbed his face and wobbled slowly back to the couch. “I didn’t get anybody fired. Who is Daisy McNeil?”
    Chris dropped into the chair on the other side of the coffee table. “She’s the waitress you sexually harassed at Rocky Top last night. Where you went to get drunk, instead of going to see our parents.”
    Wade yawned. “Daisy. She that hot blond with the mile long legs?”
    “She’s tall, yeah. And you put your hands on her and she set you out for it and now she’s out of a job.”
    “I didn’t get her fired. I didn’t say a word to Randy, didn’t even see him.”
    “No, his grandson runs the place when Randy goes out of town for fishing tournaments. That’s who fired her.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that but I don’t see how it’s my fault. I didn’t ask anybody to fire her.”
    “No, but you harassed her, and that’s what led to her getting fired. So it is your fault. Damn it, Wade. Not everybody’s got your money. She needed that job. She’s had a hard life and she’s been working her butt off to better herself. She’s going to college. Losing this job will really mess her up.”
    God, he wanted coffee, and a shower, and for his brother to stop talking. “You sweet on her or something?”
    “Sweet on her?” Chris shook his head. “This isn’t the fourth grade. You got somebody fired, a girl who can’t afford to lose her job. She doesn’t have a vacation home she can go hide out in when she gets fired.”
    That burned off some of the fog hanging over Wade’s head. “Know about that, do you?”
    “There’s this amazing thing. It’s called the internet. We even have it hear in Brittain, so we can read about it online when the country music gossip people start talking about you getting drunk on stage like an asshole and getting fired. Real classy, by the way.”
    “Why are you here? Other than to call me names.”
    “Well, if the shoe fucking fits.” Chris stood. “Randy will be back later today. You need to convince him to give Daisy her job back. She doesn’t deserve to get caught up in one of your shitstorms.”
    “You must want in this girl’s pants pretty bad.” Wade wouldn’t admit it to his brother, but he didn’t like it that the girl had gotten fired. He’d never intended for things to get out of hand when he let the booze override his good sense and hit on her.
    “No, Wade, I don’t want in her pants at all. God, do you ever do anything because it’s the right thing to do? And not because you’re going to

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