Guarded Desires

Guarded Desires by Lexxie Couper Read Free Book Online

Book: Guarded Desires by Lexxie Couper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexxie Couper
Tags: Retail
from him before he could release his cock. Before he could stagger to the bathroom.
    He choked out a cry, wrapping his hand around the crown of his erection, his release oozing between his tight grip even as he continued to pump his hips upward.
    It lasted an eternity. A lifetime. He’d jerked off before, what red-blooded male hadn’t, but never like this. Never so brutal, so punishing.
    His seed continued to spurt from his dick, coating his palm, trickling down his wrist. He bit his lip, afraid if he didn’t he’d call out the one name he couldn’t. It was one thing to imagine Chris Huntley feasting on his climax. It was another to vocalize the fantasy, even if Bethany knew.
    Especially when the man was only a few feet away. Only separated from him by a few feet of carpet and two closed doors.
    Five minutes later, his heartbeat rapid, his breath shallow, Liev stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
    “Crap,” he muttered, running cold water over his hands. “You can’t do that again, dickhead.”
    He couldn’t. It was too risky.
    For starters, what would happen if someone tried to gain access to the house while he was mid-ejaculation?
    He needed to control himself until after the job was done. When he was back in his own home, without the immediate demands of his job hanging over his head, then he could jerk off as much as he wanted.
    Until then, he was celibate.
    Seven days. Seven nights. He could control himself for that length of time.
    No matter what his body was telling him, he could control himself. Worst-case scenario, he’d quickly toss one off in the shower each morning. At least then he’d be less inclined to spend the day semi-erect in Chris’s company. A quick wank to take off the tension and then he could direct all his focus and energy on actually being what he was employed to be. Chris’s bodyguard. Just that. Keeping the actor safe and out of harm’s way from his adoring—
    Downstairs, the doorbell chimed.
    Charged adrenaline ripped through Liev’s veins. Snapping off the tap, he ran out of the bathroom, past his crumpled bed and from his room.
    The doorbell rang again.
    By the time Liev was halfway down the stairs, zipping up his fly and tucking in his shirt, whoever was outside had begun to knock as well.
    “Mr. Reynolds?” Bethany called behind him.
    “I’ve got it,” he threw over his shoulder.
    “What’s going on, Liev?”
    Chris’s voice came from the top of the stairs. Liev ground his teeth. “Go back in your room please, Mr. Huntley,” he said without slowing down.
    He strode across the living area, activated all the external lights and hurried down the stairs to the foyer. With one quick look back up to the living area to find Bethany watching him from the top step—alone, he was glad to see—he turned to the door and opened it.
    The young woman from the water taxi stood on the other side, the one Liev had called thanks to her Call Me, Chris sign. “Shit,” she whispered, stumbling back a step.
    Letting out sharp breath, Liev stepped out onto the front step and pulled the door almost closed behind him. “Love,” he said, giving her a hard look, “you really need to go home.”
    She nodded, and once again he noticed she was barely dressed. This close however, he could see she was younger than he thought. Hell, she had to be no older than his niece.
    Jesus, what was a girl of seventeen doing out at two in the morning offering herself to an American celebrity? Where were her parents? Her family?
    “I…I just…” She stumbled another step away and Liev had to grab her arm as her heel slipped off the top step. “Sorry,” she muttered, looking everywhere but at him. “I just wanted to meet him, is all.”
    Liev sighed, releasing her arm. “Not at two in the morning though, love.” He gave her a gentle smile. “And not dressed like that.”
    The young woman’s bottom lip wobbled. She nodded, eyes downcast.
    Liev cast the dark street behind her a steady

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