Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2

Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2 by K.A. Merikan Read Free Book Online

Book: Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 2 by K.A. Merikan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Merikan
Tags: Gay, Crime, Mafia, Erotic, assassin, Violence, italian, enemies, thriler, mafioso
him gently.
    “No one knows. Vincente doesn’t have the
brains for it, and Frederico would wait with shit like this until
Santo is older. I thought Seth would be an easy target,” Angelo
babbled, taking deep breaths.
    “He’s under my protection now,” whispered
Domenico, slowly pulling away even though he still kept his hands
on Angelo. “He won’t die.”
    “You better have eyes on the back of your
head then.”
    Domenico exhaled, looking at the dried blood
on Angelo’s torso. This man would take all his secrets into the
grave with him.
    “He was a virgin, you know,” he whispered,
looking up into Angelo’s eyes. “He gave himself to me, and I can’t
let him down.”
    Angelo’s face was becoming sweaty, but his
eyes went wide in disbelief. “You fucked Seth Villani? I always
knew you’d go far, but this is just priceless. You don’t have the
gene responsible for common sense, do you?”
    Domenico frowned and looked at the shackles
on Angelo’s hands. It was all about playing one’s cards well. “I am
fucking him a lot.”
    “How long is that gonna last, huh? Even
you’re not going to keep your head if the Don finds out.”
    “He’s not gonna find out.” Dom sat down
between Angelo’s legs and stroked his hand down his torso. Too bad
he couldn’t kill him now, it would have made it easier for both of
them. Regardless of all the spite he still felt after being
abandoned, he didn’t want to think about Angelo waiting here for
his death.
    “He’s his son, Dom.” Angelo’s lips trembled,
and Domenico noticed a missing tooth.
    He sighed, cupped Angelo’s face, and pressed
on his bottom lip to expose more of the damage. It was a shame
Angelo would go this way. “I think he loves me.”
    Angelo flinched but was quickly back for more
touch. “It will end in blood.”
    Domenico swallowed and leaned in to press a
brief kiss to Angelo’s temple, tasting salt and copper. “Perhaps.
Don’t all bad things feel good? You of all people should know.”
    A wide smile, followed by a chuckle, bloomed
on Angelo’s lips. The opiates had to be kicking in. “They do, oh
God, they feel so fucking good.”
    “It felt so good to take the Don’s son. But
you know what’s even more wrong?” Dom sat down with his head on
Angelo’s shoulder.
    “What can be better than a tight virgin
hole?” Angelo nudged Dom with his broken nose.
    A slight shudder went down Domenico’s back at
the memory. A blanket underneath his knees and elbows, Angelo’s
weight on top of him, his hands so grabby, possessive. It hurt so
good to just let go and take the man he loved.
    Dom kissed Angelo’s cheek again. “The Don’s
my father,” he whispered, somehow overcoming the almost physical
barrier in his throat.
    Angelo frowned slightly. “That’s not true.
The devil himself is your father. That is so nasty. You really
don’t have any morals,” he said, but it didn’t sound like a
    Dom sighed. “His hole didn’t feel nasty
though,” he said and closed his eyes, savoring what time he had
left with Angelo’s warm, breathing body.
    “Fucking your virgin half brother, the son
of the Don, and making him fall for you, handsome devil?” Angelo’s
breath was deep and raspy.
    Domenico looked up at him with a slight
smile. “Is that what I am?”
    Angelo wore a sad smile as he watched Dom
with half-lidded eyes. “Yeah, I sometimes wished you would have
talked to me again.”
    Dom swallowed hard and scooted even closer.
“I wouldn’t have trusted you again.”
    “I know. But I won’t let
you down now. I’ll keep my mouth shut about you and Seth. I only
told you about
Tropico.” Angelo’s lips were dry again, and he spat blood to the
side. “I know they’d kill me anyway.”
    Domenico quickly reached for the pitcher and
raised it to Angelo’s mouth, helping him drink. He came here
expecting to not feel much. If anything, he’d expected to spill the
anger he had been holding back for almost ten years,

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