Handle with Care

Handle with Care by Emily Porterfield Read Free Book Online

Book: Handle with Care by Emily Porterfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Porterfield
don’t know who they really were – they use fake names, fake credentials -
but they said they represented a recruiting arm of Blackwater.”
    “Black who?” Abby asked.

Bill didn’t know if he should say more, but continued anyway. “They said they
were pretty impressed by what I’d done in Iraq, and wanted me to work for
them.” He paused, tears welling up in his eyes. “Impressed? Impressed were
they?” His tone grew louder. “I’m a soldier. I’m no fucking merc. I don’t kill
for hire.” Bill was becoming angry, belligerent.  
    “Who do they think they are?” Tears rolled their way down his cheeks. “I’m no
monster,” he professed through sobs. He had often talked about seeing the faces
of his fallen comrades. Their bodies with holes blown in them, blood gushing
out, and body parts missing. It disturbed him. All that death and killing
didn’t make any sense. War didn’t make any sense.

Abby focused on containing the session, holding a calm space. Her job was to
anchor Bill and give him a safe place to release. She felt a kernel of
satisfaction once his anger seemed contained, and the anguish subsided.

“I grew up caring for people, for my country. How dare they!” Bill felt it was
the ultimate insult.
    “Is this how they see me?” Bill looked at Abby, tilting his head and furrowing
his brow. Abby remained silent and allowed him to vent.His expression then turned quizzical. “Wha... what if they know
something I don’t know about me?”
    “Could they have done something to me, turned me into something that is... not
me?” Bill shuddered to think that were possible. He had heard of mind control
experiments and thought it was all hocus pocus, sci-fi crap. But now he wasn’t
sure. Could we all have been government sponsored lab rats? Bill became
uneasy as paranoia took root in the pit of his stomach. His mind raced,
recalling the hundreds of hours of “programming” and myriad of vaccines he had
received. Only God knows what shit was in them . But could that
possibly be true? Could it? A feeling of
dread swept over him yet he decided not to verbalize his fear. As he looked at
Abby, her expression was indulgent, but patiently detached. She clearly hadn’t
a clue about what he was saying.

The session wound down. Abby set another appointment for Bill in a few weeks’
time. He felt it was sufficient. He knew she had another client waiting,
another soldier. As he was leaving, obviously disgruntled and perturbed, but in
a better space, he thanked her for her time. As she went to pick up the ringing
phone, he looked around her office, as though seeing it for the last time.
Under his breath, Bill quietly muttered, “If they want to see a monster, I’ll show
them one.”
    * * *

Chapter 7 ~ Shadows in the Dark Winchester Bay had been a good reprieve. Abby cherished her time there. She
feared gossip would spread like wildfire and cause her haven to turn to hell.
But, maybe she could squeeze one more night of anonymity out of the town. She
turned on some soft music and poured herself a large glass of wine. Incentive
to coax her into putting the groceries away. While tucking the ice cream in the
very small freezer, she noticed she had two half-gallons. Craig had somehow put
his in with hers. Actually, she thought with a warm memory of haphazard
pigtails, it was Chloe’s ice cream. Drat! I’d hate for her to miss out on a
special treat because of me. Abby sighed. She really didn’t want to go out.
But, she wanted Chloe to enjoy the ice cream her daddy had picked. She could
easily walk it over to Craig’s place. The town was small, and on the walk to
the lake Chloe had pointed out which street their home was on. She had been so
adorable reciting her house number and street name, more evidence of Craig’s
thoughtful parenting. Wouldn't that be the right thing to do, after all he
has done for me?
    * * *
stood on the porch with Craig, running his fingers through graying hair.

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