Honey and Decadence

Honey and Decadence by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online

Book: Honey and Decadence by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Zwaduk
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
“It’s good. I’m not as hungry as I thought.”
    “Huh.” He stretched the soda gun and refilled her drink. “Sean said the same thing to me last night. Not hungry and lost in thought. Don’t know anything about that, do you?”
    “He did?” Her voice cracked and dropped an octave. “How’s he doing?”
    “Good, surprisingly.” Elias wiped up the spilt soda, then rested his forearms on the bar top. “He told me how he feels about you.”
    “How he hates me.” She scooted down in her seat. “I left in a hurry and didn’t say things I should’ve said. Everything got so screwed up.”
    “That broke his heart, yeah, but he’s more resilient than you think. We went to Push last night. I wanted a drink and a wing man. He volunteered. It’s funny. I’ve never seen him turn down an offer to play, especially not at Push. But he did. Every time someone gave him the come-on look, he raised his glass, then refused.”
    “What are you worried about? He’ll hurt you?”
    “Then what? Sean’s not made of money, but he’ll treat you like a princess.”
    “What if he changes his mind and realises he wants someone else? Someone better?”
    “What if you do? He’s pretty well invested in you. Have you ever seen him take off that huge watch? No, except when he’s with you, and why? Because he doesn’t want anyone to see that tattoo of his initials. He’s very protective, but when you walk in the room he opens up.” Elias picked at the edge of his rag. “That’s the beauty of love. You never know if or when the floor will collapse beneath you, but you have faith it won’t. Sean is my best friend and I trust him with my life. He’s a man of his word and his faith is in you. If he says you’re the one he wants, then he means it all the way.”
    She stared at Elias for a long time. He was right. Sean didn’t back down from her because of her looks or intelligence. Hell, he’d encouraged her to use her degree. She wiped her face. “Elias, do you need me tonight?”
    “You’re not quitting, are you?”
    “I need to see Sean.”
    “Take the time you need.” He grinned. “Rock his world.”
    She untied her apron and sprinted through the back of the restaurant to the back parking lot. Sean had said he’d wait for her. Now she had to hope he meant what he’d said.
    “Don’t give up on me now,” she murmured and stepped on the gas. “Please, Sean.” She raced across town in record time and screeched to a halt in his driveway. Roxy bolted up to the front door and pressed the bell. “Come on, Sean. It’s only five in the afternoon. You’ve got to be home.”
    The storm door jiggled, then the steel door opened. Sean blinked and yawned, then rested one hand on the door frame. The sleep pants rested low on his hips and his bare feet poked out from under the worn cuffs. His hair stuck up in all directions, like he’d just rolled out of bed. “What time is it? Noon?”
    “Sean, I’m sorry,” she blurted. “Very sorry.”
    He frowned, then opened the storm door. “For what, Rox?” He stepped onto the porch. “Slow down and talk to me.”
    “Thinking I could do this.”
    Sean scratched his head, then smoothed his hair down. He glanced at his watch. “Shit. It’s already five.” He shook his head. “I know I just woke up, but what are you talking about?”
    “I thought I could protect my heart from you. You’ve been right all along. When we play, my heart is involved, too. I lied to myself because I thought if I didn’t fall for you, then when you dumped me it wouldn’t hurt. I was wrong.” The worlds rolled off her tongue at breakneck speed. She clutched her chest and fought back tears.
    “I didn’t dump you.” Sean trailed his fingertips over her cheek, smoothing a tear off her face.
    “And I fell hard for you.” She couldn’t breathe. “I love you, Sean. Tell me I’m not too late. Elias said you went to Push last night. I know you can find lots of others

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