Indelibly Intimate

Indelibly Intimate by Regina Cole Read Free Book Online

Book: Indelibly Intimate by Regina Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Cole
Tags: Erótica
pumped hard, adrenaline buzzing through his veins more than it usually did when he was on his bike. He was pretty damn sure it had a lot to do with the girl tailing him in an old burgundy Honda.
    Maybe it had been a bad idea to show her his parents’ house. After all, he wasn’t getting along well with good old Mom and Dad lately. But he’d wanted to impress her and his condo wasn’t exactly a stunner.
    Why do you care so much what she thinks? He shook the logical voice away and punched the gas harder.
    His two-story condo, only five minutes away from the large family home on Riverbend, nestled snugly into a neighborhood with a playground and a swimming pool. Hammer pulled his bike onto the walk in front of his home and motioned for Quinn to park in his space. She did so, glancing around curiously as she stepped out of the car.
    “This is a cute neighborhood. Not what I expected.”
    “They were all out of rooms at the crack house downtown.”
    “I didn’t mean…” she started but he waved and laughed.
    “Don’t worry about it. Just yanking your chain.”
    Quinn followed him up the walk to the door. “Listen, I appreciate you letting me change my mind about the convention. I hated to even ask but when I got home and the lights were out, I really didn’t have a choice.”
    He wanted to grin but he pretended indifference. “You should bunk over then. You can’t stay in an apartment with no lights.” He fished in his pocket for his house key.
    “It’s sweet of you to offer but it’s not necessary. I’ve got a flashlight and it’s not too hot tonight, so I’ll be fine.”
    His keys jingled as he pushed the correct one into the lock. “If you’d rather stay in a dark and stuffy apartment, be my guest. If you like cold showers then hey, don’t let me stop you. But,” he said, swinging open the door, “if you’re a fan of Jacuzzi tubs, cold beer and homemade pizza, then please, come in.”
    He stood there in the entryway, holding the door open. If he didn’t want her to stay, he’d have laughed at her puzzled indecision. But he kept it cool and waited her out.
    She sighed, running her fingers through her bangs. “Okay. Only for tonight. I need to go home and get some stuff though. I didn’t bring pajamas or my toothbrush or anything.” Her shoes clicked on the tiled floor as she came in. Hammer fought the urge to whoop at his small victory.
    “Come in, sit down. I’ve got you covered. I just went to the dentist, so I’ve got a brand-new toothbrush, and I’ve got a tee shirt you can use to sleep in.”
    “Were you a Boy Scout?” she asked him as she sat on his white leather couch. “You’re awfully prepared.”
    “I made it all the way to Eagle, lady.” He gave a mock bow and smiled when she laughed.
    “An Eagle Scout tattoo artist. That’s a combination you don’t see every day.” She rubbed the arm of the couch, her eyes vibrant as she looked at him.
    If he let her, she’d be under his skin in no time. He cleared his throat and bent down to remove his boots. “You want a drink?”
    She sighed, falling back against the cushions. “An Eagle Scout tattoo artist mind reader.”
    Hammer laughed and left her to move into the kitchen. He cracked open a Blue Moon for himself and one for her, taking the extra minute to cut a wedge of orange for each of them, setting the fragrant fruit in the necks of the bottles.
    “God, you’re an angel.” Her delicate fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottle.
    “I’m a lot of things but ‘angel’ isn’t one of them. Enjoy your drink. I’ll be back soon.”
    She’d finished her first beer by the time he rolled out the dough he’d had resting in the refrigerator. Her second was gone as the pepperoni hit the pie. Her third, when Hammer’s culinary masterpiece went into the oven. By the time the pizza was actually done, his beer stash was dangerously low and she was way past tipsy and into the completely trashed stage.
    “It’s time to

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