Kicking the Can

Kicking the Can by Scott C. Glennie Read Free Book Online

Book: Kicking the Can by Scott C. Glennie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scott C. Glennie
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Retail
    Matson closed the exterior door to the conference room behind him, giving the two men privacy.
    “Drummond, what makes us different from ninety-nine point one percent of the US population is we both understand the US financial position is precarious—it’s absurd, given we’re the only superpower in the world. And we both are uniquely equipped to make a difference. I was briefed. I’m familiar with your family, education,training, and profession. My purpose meeting with you today is to explain why I believe Donald’s Contest is so important.”
    Drummond studied the president as he spoke. He looked like he put his pants on one leg at a time—a straight shooter.
    “I’m not sanguine Congress will set aside ideological differences to solve this crisis. House Speaker Bennett and his party control both houses of Congress. Even if we can craft policies to fix health care, I’m powerless. The contest was devised to take the problem directly to the voters. I choose to place my trust in the citizens of the United States. My belief is if one team can articulate a cogent plan to the American public, Congress will be pressured to do the right thing. I’m asking you as your president to serve your country and compete in in the contest. The full resources of my administration will be at your disposal.”

    W esley Meeks stood in the airport terminal clutching a leather briefcase. He was a puny man with a comb-over.
    “Mr. Drummond…may I call you Chris?”
    Drummond looked up, startled. He did not recognize the man who uttered his name.
    “US citizens are tired of partisan bickering. The surveys all say it, Washington is broken. Mr. Donald has this idea he can solve America’s problems with a silly competition. It’s absurd. It creates a public relations problem for Congress.”
    Drummond stood uneasy, wondering where the conversation was going.
    “Who are you?”
    “I’m here to make you an offer only a fool would refuse. Congress intends to pass legislation authorizing the creation of a super committee. Future health care decisions will be made by the committee. It will have the authority to make recommendations and implement solutions, all without requiring ongoing congressional approval. The committee will be staffed with respected health care experts. I’ve looked at your CV—you’re not in their league, something we both know to be true.”
    “What do you want from me?”
    “We want you to decline Mr. Donald’s offer. We can’t have detractions, not from the committee’s important work. We’ll make you whole financially. You can stay home and get drunk every night with your daughter.”
    Drummond clenched his fists. Meeks took a step back and apologized. An airport security officer walked past.
    “How do you know about Donald’s offer?”
    “That’s not important.” Meeks twisted his double-male lapel pin thirty degrees so the two arrows were pointing up.
    “If it’s not money you want, we can arrange for a pair of lungs.”
    “What if I want to participate? President Cannon has urged me to serve.”
    Meeks’s face hardened; his eyelids became slits.
    “My people dug into your past. We found useful information…We always do. Twenty-one years ago you met with a George Goldsworthy. How do you think your wife and daughter would receive that information…if I told your dirty secret? You’ve been living a lie for over twenty years.”
    Meeks’s face became reinvigorated, an evil grin forming, like the Grinch. “If you participate in the contest, you’ll be committing a sin—and the wages of sin is death.”

    J ay Zuckerman, the director of central intelligence, D/CIA, was seated in the Oval Office next to President Cannon, his secretary of state, and John Sebastian. Zuckerman was on the hot seat. The foursome was discussing how to respond to accusations made by a whistleblower charged with espionage. Numerous documents had been leaked to a prominent newspaper revealing the

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