Loving Rowan

Loving Rowan by Ariadne Wayne Read Free Book Online

Book: Loving Rowan by Ariadne Wayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariadne Wayne
could love me in return. I hadn’t been looking for love, but arrived back at just the right time to find it.
    She wasn’t looking at me anymore. Her eyes were focused on an approaching couple, and I realised I’d seen them somewhere before from photos she’d once shown me. This was the famous Andrew and Charlie.
    He was easily as tall as I was, but blond, with chiselled features. Charlie was shorter than Rowan, curvy and voluptuous, and wearing a low-cut top that showed off her cleavage. I had to admit, they were a striking couple. I looked back at Rowan. Her lips were downturned, and she looked like she was fighting the frown that threatened to take over her face.
    I grabbed her hand under the table, squeezing it in reassurance. She squeezed back before taking a deep breath and letting go.

Chapter Twelve
    I couldn’t believe it when I saw them. Of all the places to run into Andrew and Charlie. All I could do was stare while Charlie smiled and waved at me. I could see her eyeing up Kyle. It made me feel fiercely protective of him. She’d already taken one friend away from me.
    I glanced at Kyle, knowing exactly what he was looking at. Charlie was gorgeous, and I just knew his eyes were focused on that low-cut top she wore. Just seeing her made me feel so woefully inadequate.
    Looking down at the table, I avoided their eyes as they came closer. Kyle grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed, and I squeezed back, looking up to see a broad smile on his face.
    “You okay?” he whispered.
    I nodded.
    “So, that’s them?”
    I nodded again.
    “Rowan.” Charlie leaned over to kiss me on the cheek, and she raised an eyebrow at me.
    “Charlie,” I replied.
    Andrew sat on the other side of the table from us. “How’s it going? It’s been ages.”
    “Yeah, it has,” I said, stuffing food in my face.
    Andrew looked Kyle up and down, and I felt Kyle’s hand on my leg, gently squeezing my knee.
    “This is Kyle,” I mumbled through a mouthful of food. “Kyle, this is Andrew and Charlie.”
    Kyle smiled at Andrew and Charlie. “Hey.”
    “So, what are you doing here?” Charlie asked, sitting beside Andrew.
    “Taking a break from our busy evening. We needed some fresh air,” said Kyle.
    Andrew nodded, locking eyes with me. I knew that look. It was the what do you think you’re doing look. As if he had any right to ask.
    “I wanted to try this place. I’d heard lots of good things about it. The food is amazing,” I said, waving a chicken drumstick in the air. Anything to avoid a personal conversation.
    “We should get something to eat,” said Andrew, looking at Charlie. She nodded, and he got up to walk to the food stand, nodding at her to follow.
    “I think we should eat up and get out of here,” said Kyle. “Unless you want to hang out with them.”
    “I thought you might like to stay and look at Charlie some more,” I said, smiling sweetly.
    “What makes you think that? I’ve never been into blondes. I’d much rather hang out with you. Besides, didn’t you promise to kick my butt?”
    I laughed, despite knowing he had been eyeing up Charlie. Everyone did.
    “You know it. I don’t particularly want to hang out with them, either. I’d much rather be at home.” He gave me this look that made my heart skip a beat. If I was the type of woman to talk that way, I would totally admit to being hot for him.
    He just wants to be friends, Rowan. You have to stop thinking of him that way.
    “Eat quickly then, and let’s get out of here. It’s warmer at your place too, and your couch is so much more comfortable than these chairs.”
    W e didn’t stop to say goodbye to Andrew and Charlie, and I pictured them returning to the table and finding it empty. I didn’t care.
    Kyle wanted to spend time with me, and every day I think I fell a little bit deeper.He reassured me, protected me, cared about me.
    I was in over my head again, and I didn’t care. Every moment we spent together meant so much. It

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