Making the Hook-Up

Making the Hook-Up by Cole Riley Read Free Book Online

Book: Making the Hook-Up by Cole Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cole Riley
critical mass, and I imploded with a force I’d never experienced before, my cunt spasming against his rod in huge
gulps. Shock waves crashed through me. My body went stiff, and I couldn’t breathe. The world went black for a moment.
    When it was over, I relaxed with a soft moan, feeling as if a giant had picked me up, wrung me out and left me limp. Rick drove into me again and again, abandoning himself to his own ecstasy. I felt him shudder and the hot spurts of him bathe me inside. So good. If that sorry-ass girlfriend of his had ever screwed him, I don’t see how she could have walked away from him.
    I must have said it aloud. My bad.
    â€œBut I came back,” a feminine voice said from a few feet away.
    Rick jerked his head up and I craned my neck. Girlfriend was sitting on the carpet right outside of the milk-soaked kitchen where we lay. Buck naked, she sat there, her fingers working her blonde cunt furiously. Her eyes were fixed on me, and her little pink-tipped breasts heaved with her panting.
    â€œGet off of her,” she said to Rick, not taking her eyes off me. He complied and she moved to me and put her pussy square in my face.
    â€œYou took my man. You owe me. Give it to me.” Her voice was raspy, her breath coming in short gasps.
    I nodded, everything clicking into place for me. I’ve always been the type to try anything once. I moved to her, grabbed her hips and flipped her over. Easing her ass into the milk, I noticed her body wasn’t bad—not as good as mine, but not bad. Her pussy was surrounded by neatly trimmed blonde hair. I had never done this before, but it shouldn’t be hard, I’d just give her what I liked.
    I circled my tongue around her clit, and soon I had her gasping. She was clean, with a healthy womanly scent. She tasted slightly salty. I glanced up at Rick as he sat in the milk, his hand on his cock, watching us with rapt eyes.

    I worked on her with my mouth for only a few minutes before I had her squirming as well as gasping. Making love to a woman was a piece of cake. I wondered why some people made such a big deal about how it was so hard to please a woman. A few flips of the tongue, and I had the blonde ready to be scraped off the ceiling.
    While the woman-on-woman thing wasn’t distasteful, it was boring. I took her to the edge, then not feeling exactly charitable toward her, I motioned for Rick to take my place. He dived in with much more enthusiasm than I had mustered. She moaned in a protesting way, but soon dropped back into the groove, her hips bucking up at his face. Suddenly, he plunged into her with his big cock. I love it like that, the feel of a man impaling me unannounced with his flesh.
    I’d just slipped my hand into my own wet pussy when her eyes blinked wide open and she started pummeling his shoulders. Nope, it wasn’t passion.
    â€œGet off me, you ruined it, that hurts, dammit!” She raked her nails across his face.
    He rolled off her, a look of sad shock on his face.
    She twisted her body and glared at me. “You had it going on and then you let him come in…”
    I turned to Rick and shook my head. Her problem wasn’t that she had a bad case of the sushi syndrome. “She’s not a cold fish who doesn’t want sex. It’s men she doesn’t want,” I told him. “Savvy?”
    I had to give it to him, he wasn’t dumb. His eyes narrowed and he stared at her and nodded slowly.
    â€œYou don’t know me,” she said to me, her voice coarse and heavy again. “Who do you think you are to say what I am or not—bitch.”
    She spit out her words with venom. She pulled on her clothes
quickly, heedless of the wet splotches of milk dampening them. “Are you coming, Rick?”
    Silence. She gave him a demanding glare, her face intense.
    A mocking smile formed. “Apparently not with you,” he said.
    â€œFuck you, then,” she screamed and stormed out

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