moan for uncle 5

moan for uncle 5 by Terry Towers Read Free Book Online

Book: moan for uncle 5 by Terry Towers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Towers
pained like a son of a bitch, but he did his best not to let on to Nikki. In addition to the gashes from the whips which hurt more than the rest of his injuries, many parts of his torso and back were turning into large, ugly welts from where they had prodded him with the electric shock rods. Nikki had spent the past half hour attending to his various wounds, doing her best to ensure they didn't become infected and bandaging them, taking such loving care that it actually brought tears to his eyes.
    By the time she was done cleaning his wounds, the majority of his back was covered in gauze and medical tape. He admired her diligence, he knew by taking a brief peek in the mirror that his back looked like it had been run over with a lawn mower, so the fact she was able to clean up the wounds without vomiting, he found commendable.
    Just as she was finishing up he felt her index finger running down the back of his arm.
    "Hey Grant, what's this in your arm?"
    Where she was pointing was at the back of his upper arm, not possible for him to see regardless of how much he tried. Though considering the pain he was enduring due to his chewed up back, it was a half-assed effort to look at best.
    "Honey, I can't see where you're pointing. What does it look like?"
    Nikki, now dressed in an white 'I Love Boston' t-shirt and matching shorts - it was all they had at the pharmacy on the way to the hotel - made her way over to the dresser, grabbed the complementary hotel hand mirror and went back to him.
    "Look." She placed the mirror at an angle that he was able to see the spot she was pointing to. A rush of dread raced through him because just below the skin was a dark coloured capsule perhaps a quarter of an inch long. Alarm raced through him but he did his best to maintain his composure to keep from upsetting her.
    "Alright, what I need you to do is go over and grab the knife from the dresser and run it under hot water. Just get it as clean as possible, we don't have time to properly sterilize it."
    Hesitating for a moment Nikki nodded and did as she was told.
    Damn, damn, damn.
    "What's going on? What is that?" she asked as she came back into the room from the bathroom with the cleaned knife in hand.
    "It's a tracking device."
    Nikki frowned and alarm began to register in her eyes as she climbed back onto the bed with him.
    He gave her a reassuring smile, brought her hand to his lips, flipped it over and kissed her palm. "Don't panic yet. I won't know the range it has until it's out and I can examine it."
    Nikki's frown deepened as she looked down at the knife in his hand then back up to meet his gaze and gulped. "You want me to..."
    "If I could do it myself I would, but I need you to retrieve it for me."
    She backed away from him a foot or so, shaking her head while her face paled. "I don't think I can. I... I can't cut your arm open Grant!"
    "Honey you have to."
    "Won't it hurt?"
    Grant grinned at her, hoping to sooth her frazzled nerves. "No worse than my back is hurting at this moment." He took her hand once more and tugged her closer to him. Leaning over he kissed her lips tenderly. "I trust you."
    She gulped and looked down at the knife in her trembling hand then over at his arm. Her bottom lip began to tremble, but she nodded and positioned herself behind him. "How did it get there?"
    Grant shrugged and then tensed up as he felt the sharp tip of the knife touching the skin of his upper arm. "My guess is Diana implanted it while I was knocked out. They're easy to implant kind of like an ear piercing gun... in a way. The gun lodges the chip under the skin. It's a relatively painless procedure. Getting them out is the painful part."
    "Oh." She took a deep breath in, steadying her nerves and hand and then exhaled. "Ready?"
    Taking a deep breath in Grant nodded. "Yup." The blade pinched as it cut open the skin and a warm trickle of blood made its way down his arm. Nikki groaned and for a moment Grant feared she was going to pass out again.

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