
Mollywood by L.G. Pace III Read Free Book Online

Book: Mollywood by L.G. Pace III Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.G. Pace III
might be a bit tender, but I promise it won’t take long, okay?”
    I nodded and did as she asked. She used a cloth tape, measuring and re-measuring. When she pushed on me, it was more pressure than I’d expected and I winced and then bit my lip, afraid I’d look like a wimp.
    “Well, I can see why she sent you over. You measure a bit bigger than we’d expect you to for eight weeks.”
    “How much bigger?” Joe asked, and I shot him a curious look.
    “She’s measuring like she’s about ten or eleven weeks along. We usually like to see our new moms at about ten weeks. I’d like to take you down the hall for an ultrasound so we can make sure we’re right about the due date.”
    “We’re pretty sure. It was pretty memorable.” I replied with a glance at Joe.
    “It might just be a big baby in there, then.” She grinned, but she didn’t look convinced. “Humor me.”
    She gave me a robe and I stood on shaky legs to put it on. Joe ran a comforting hand along my back as we followed her down the hall to another room. It was dimly lit, and a butch woman in scrubs was clicking away on the computer. Butch gestured to the table. Joe helped me onto it and the doctor joined the technician on the opposite side. The technician pulled out an apparatus that looked like a large white dildo.
    “What the hell is that?” I demanded, turning bulging eyes to Joe. He looked as confused as I did, so I turned back to the doctor expectantly.
    “It’ll be more accurate if we do the ultrasound transvaginally, Molly.” Her kind expression soothed my frayed nerves, but my heart still hammered in my chest. “It’ll be a little uncomfortable, but it won’t take long.”
    I nodded, but reached out for Joe. He was right there, immediately leaning onto the table and taking my hand.
    “Look at me, Molly.” He whispered, and I did. He pulled my hand to his lips as the tech basically violated me with the cold, unyielding wand. I tightened my grip on him, and focused on steadying my breathing.
    Joe smiled sympathetically, and I closed my eyes as he softly stroked my cheek. Completely overwhelmed, I swiped at a tear that escaped before I could blink it away. He brushed my bangs off of my forehead and kissed it, his eyes reassuring. Then he glanced over at the two women and I saw his expression sober. I whipped my head in their direction. They exchanged a long, knowing glance.
    “What is it?” Joe’s gritty voice sounded grim. “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing at all. Your due date looks right. About 7 to 8 weeks along.” The doctor replied, swiveling the monitor in our direction. Even though I’d never been through an ultrasound before, I’d seen it in the movies. It looked all wrong to me. “See? Two placentas, two heartbeats. Congratulations, you two! You’re expecting twins.”

    Joe unlocked the door and held it open for me. I wandered into the dark apartment, numbly tossing the folders, pamphlets, samples and newly filled prescriptions onto the table. I dropped my purse in the middle of the floor and marched directly to the bathroom. Turning on the bathwater, I poured in too much bubble bath and stripped off all of my clothes. I’d been poked, prodded and completely violated. A warm bath sounded like a cure.
    When I’d woken up that morning, I’d been worried I might have an ulcer. Now I was eating for three. All of my mother’s war stories about having twins came rushing forward from the dark recesses of my mind. Stretch marks, engorged breasts…sore nipples, weeks without sleep…
    I dropped to my knees in front of the toilet and vomited again. This time there wasn’t much left in my stomach. We’d driven straight from Dr. Myers’s to the pharmacy to get the prenatal vitamins, extra iron supplements and the expensive pills to control my vomiting. We hadn’t eaten anything for dinner and I was in no mood to cook.
    I forced myself to brush my teeth, though I nearly gagged again and then I slipped into the

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