Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and The...

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and The... by Sally Fallon, Pat Connolly, Phd. Mary G. Enig Read Free Book Online

Book: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and The... by Sally Fallon, Pat Connolly, Phd. Mary G. Enig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Fallon, Pat Connolly, Phd. Mary G. Enig
Tags: science, Reference, Non-Fiction, Health
Soviet Georgia , 1982, Human Sciences Press, New York, NY.
    22. Franklyn, D, Health , September 1996, 57-63.
    23. Koga, Y et al, "Recent Trends in Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors in the Seven Countries Study: Japan," Lessons for Science from the Seven Countries Study , H Toshima, et al, eds, Springer, New York, NY, 1994, 63-74.
    24. Moore, Thomas J, Lifespan: What Really Affects Human Longevity , 1990, Simon and Schuster, New York, NY.
    25. O'Neill, Molly, New York Times , Nov 17, 1991.
    26. Enig, Mary G, Ph D, et al, Federation Proceedings , Jul 1978, 37:9:2215-2220.
    27. Portillo, M P, et al, International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders , Oct 1998, 22(10):947-9; Dulloo, A G, et al, Metabolism , Feb 1995, 44(2):273-9.
    28. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids , The American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, Journal of the National Cancer Institute , 1986, 77:43.
    29. Preventive Medicine, Mar-Apr 1998, 27(2); 189-94; The Lancet , 1998, 352:688-91; "Good Fats Help Children's Behavioral Problems," Let's Live , September 1997, 45.
    30. Lasserre, M, et al, Lipids , 1985, 20:4:227.
    31. A general review of citations for problems with polyunsaturate consumption is found in Pinckney, Edward R, MD, and Cathey Pinckney, The Cholesterol Controversy , 1973, Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, 127-131; Research indicating the correlation of polyunsaturates with learning problems is found in Harmon, D, et al, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1976, 24:1:292-8; Meerson, Z, et al, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1983, 96:9:70-71; Regarding weight gain, levels of linoleic acid in adipose tissues reflect the amount of linoleic acid in the diet, Valero, et al, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Nov/Dec 1990, 34:6:323-327; Felton, C V, et al, The Lancet, 1994, 344:1195-96.
    32. Pinckney, Edward R, MD, and Cathey Pinckney, The Cholesterol Controversy , 1973, Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, 130; Enig, Mary G, PhD, et al, Federation Proceedings , July 1978, 37:9:2215-2220.
    33. Machlin, I J, and A Bendich, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal, 1987, 1:441-445.
    34. Kinsella, John E, Food Technology , October 1988, 134; Lasserre, M, et al, Lipids , 1985, 20:4:227.
    35. Horrobin, D F, Reviews in Pure and Applied Pharmacological Sciences, Vol 4, 1983, Freund Publishing House, 339-383; Devlin, T M, ed, Textbook of Biochemistry , 2nd Ed, 1982, Wiley Medical, 429-430; Fallon, Sally, and Mary G Enig, PhD, "Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin Pathways," Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Health Journal , 1996, 20:3:5-8, also posted at
    36. Okuyama, H, et al, Progresive Lipid Research , 1997, 35:4:409-457.
    37. Simopoulos, A P, and Norman Salem, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992, 55:411-4.
    38. Watkins, B A, et al, "Importance of Vitamin E in Bone Formation and in Chrondrocyte Function" Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, American Oil Chemists Society Proceedings , 1996; Watkins, B A, and M F Seifert, "Food Lipids and Bone Health," Food Lipids and Health , R E McDonald and D B Min, eds, p 101, Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, 1996.
    39. Dahlen, G H, et al, Journal of Internal Medicine , Nov 1998, 244(5):417-24; Khosla, P, and K C Hayes, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1996, 15:325-339; Clevidence, B A, et al, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 1997, 17:1657-1661.
    40. Nanji, A A, et al, Gastroenterology , Aug 1995, 109(2):547-54; Cha, Y S, and D S Sachan, Journal of the American College of Nutrition , Aug 1994, 13(4):338-43; Hargrove, H L, et al, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal , Meeting Abstracts, Mar 1999, #204.1, p A222.
    41. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids , The American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1986,

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