On This Day

On This Day by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online

Book: On This Day by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
going to take a nap today?”
    I consider this. “Well, the baby-sitter is only set up to watch Amy during the times when activities are planned. So I’m not sure if I can—”
    “Why don’t you let me watch her?” she says suddenly. “I simply love babies. I could have her in my room, and you could get a little rest.”
    “Oh, I couldn’t possibly impose on you—”
    She waves her hand. “No imposition. And if you don’t believe I’m good with babies, you can just ask your sister-in-law-to-be.” She nods toward the front table. They’re all laughing at something, maybe one of my husband’s jokes.
    “But you probably need your rest too.”
    “Oh, I can rest anytime. It’s you young mothers who need a hand. How does two o’clock sound? I could keep her for an hour or so.”
    A nap sounds like heaven, so I agree. We make a plan for Mrs. Simpson to return to her own room after lunch. Then I’ll go and fetch Amy for her. And just as I’m feeling this tiny sliver of relief or maybe even hope, I feel something else too—
breast milk
. I’m suddenly leaking out of both sides, and before I can do a thing to stop it, I have these two conspicuous dark marks spoiling my orange silk dress. It figures. Oh, if I could be anywhere but here.

Chapter 6

    I t’s hard to concentrate on being all nice and sociable at this luncheon when so many crazy details are running through my mind. On top of everything else, the bridesmaids’ bouquets still haven’t arrived, and when they do, I have to be there to make sure they’re soaking in water, and knowing the florist, I can only guess what condition they’ll be in. Then there’s this stupid mess-up with the cake. Instead of pale “barely pink roses,” they’re bright purple! Hopefully, the chef in the lodge will help straighten it out without turning the cake into a finger-painting disaster. These are just some of the complications of throwing a wedding so far from civilization. Not that it isn’t beautiful out here—it totally is. And I do happen to think destination weddings are cool. Although I’d want a smaller one. And maybe someplace tropical. Yeah, right. Like my family can afford something like that. Get real, Ingrid.
    Even so, maybe I should ask Jason about waiting until next summer and finding a place kind of like this. Of course, even this would probably cost too much. And Jason seems so set on New Year’s Eve, which I have to admit is feeling closer than ever right now.
    I wonder how Jason would react if I told him I want to postpone our wedding date. Would he suspect that I’m having doubts? Am I? I mean, I totally love Jason, I’m sure I do, but maybe we jumped the gun in getting engaged so soon. What if I was just caught up in Jennifer’s excitement when I said yes to Jason—back when we started planning this wedding, when it was still fun dreaming up all this chaos? I remember how cool it was to pick out our dresses and all the little things everyone says you need to throw a “perfect” wedding.
    Okay, this might be exhaustion talking right now, but it feels like a big wake-up call to me, like having the “perfect” wedding is not such a great reason to get married. What if I’ve made a big mistake? I guess I’m glad that Jason won’t get here until later today. That not only gives me time to get these last-minute things under control, but it also gives me time to get my doubts and questions under control. If that’s even possible. But the truth is, right now—right this minute—I am actually thinking this may be the time to break it off with him. I mean, why let things go on if it’s all just a stupid mistake? But on the other hand, I could just be having a maid-of-honor meltdown. Who knows?
    Now it hits me that my table manners could use some help when I notice the woman across the table from me has an emptyglass, and the iced-tea pitcher is right next to my elbow. “More iced tea?” I offer. I came in after introductions,

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