
Rebound by Cher Carson Read Free Book Online

Book: Rebound by Cher Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cher Carson
his hips. He stepped out of them, kicking them aside as he reached for the buttons on her shorts. He couldn’t wait to get her naked again, only this time, he wouldn’t let words get in the way. He intended to show her how he felt, what he wanted from her.
    “Bedroom?” she whispered, pulling his head down. She kissed him hungrily, stroking him with her tongue until he was ready to tear her remaining clothes off in his haste to get her naked.
    “Wait,” he said, pulling back, gasping. “Wait, we’ve gotta slow down.”
    She wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him into her body. “I don’t want to wait. I want you now.” 
    If she kept this up, he was going to embarrass himself. He wanted to take his time with her, give her the pleasure she deserved. He placed an arm under her legs, scooping her up as he carried her into the bedroom. He was struck by how light she was. So small and fragile, yet so strong and independent. She was a sexy paradox he couldn’t wait to discover.
    He set her down on the bed, standing over her. “Take those off,” he said, gesturing toward her shorts.
    She bit her lip, a wicked gleam in her eye. “You first.”
    He chuckled, slipping his boxer briefs off and kicking them aside. “Happy now?”
    She looked him up and down, licking her lips. “You have no idea how happy you’ve just made me, Davis.”
    He watched her shimmy her shorts off, no panties underneath.
    She opened her legs, grinding her hips into the mattress. “I’ve heard it can intensify the pleasure, being bound and blind-folded. Is that true?”
    The image of her completely at his mercy made him so hard it was almost painful. “That’s what I’ve been told.”
    She ran a hand over her taut stomach. “You’ve experimented with bondage, I assume?”
    He couldn’t even think about other sexual encounters with this goddess in his bed, spread out before him like a wet dream come to life. “Yeah.”
    “Do you want to tie me up, Steve?”
    Shit, how was he supposed to answer that? He wanted to kiss and lick every inch of her smooth, bronzed body, give her pleasure beyond anything she’d ever experienced before, and he knew she had to give herself over to it before he could make that happen. “I don’t want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, baby.”
    “That’s not what I asked.”
    He finally decided to take the risk, praying he wouldn’t ruin his chances with her. “Yes, I want to tie you up.”
    Her hands caressed her tits, plucking at her nipples. “Why?”
    He could see the evidence of her arousal when her legs fell open. Her pussy was slick with her juices; he couldn’t wait to taste her. “I want you surrender to the pleasure, Brook. I want you to feel out of control, in a good way. If you let your body lead you, it’ll be an experience unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.”
    Her hands roamed her body, her soft sigh permeating the air. “I want that. I want to give myself to you.”
    He knew there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. “Okay, tell me how you want this to play out.”
    She shook her head, leaning into the pillows. “I’ll leave that up to you. You’re in charge.” She winked at him. “At least for tonight.”
    He loved her sass and confidence. Hell, he loved everything about her.
    He went to the dresser and extracted several silk ties. He wouldn’t use handcuffs, not tonight. The thought of using the same handcuffs with her that he’d used on other women felt wrong. She deserved the best of him and that’s what he intended to give her.
    He walked back to the bed, positioning his knee between her open legs. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, baby?”
    She nodded, her eyes drifting over his body. “I can’t wait.”
    He secured her ankles to the bedposts quickly, testing the ties’ strength before he moved on to her wrists. He held the remaining scrap of silk. “You sure you want the blindfold, too?”
    “Positive,” she whispered.

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