Rigged for Murder (Windjammer Mystery Series)

Rigged for Murder (Windjammer Mystery Series) by Jenifer LeClair Read Free Book Online

Book: Rigged for Murder (Windjammer Mystery Series) by Jenifer LeClair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenifer LeClair
    “They save lives.” His response was immediate and intense. Then, as if to soften it, he added, “But the main reason is I’ve lived near the ocean all my life. I couldn’t stand to be far from the water.”
    “What specialty did you train for?” Brie asked.
    “Marine Science Technician.”
    She noticed the note of pride in his voice. He seemed to gradually warm to the conversation, once he got over his surprise at someone showing an interest in him. Brie was used to the fact that with most men, especially young ones, there were few reciprocal questions. Conversation usually felt more like interrogation. That was fine with her; the fewer questions she had to answer about herself right now, the better.
    “So where’s your first assignment?” she asked.
    “Coast Guard Station Juneau. In Alaska.”
    “That’s a long way from home.”
    A faraway look came over him, and behind it, Brie sensed an intense emotion. Sadness, pain, regret? A moment later it was gone, like the lid snapping shut on a tightly hinged box.
    “I need to visit new places,” he said emphatically. “It’s bad to stay in one place all your life.”
    Brie noted the use of “need” rather than “want” and wondered what drove that need.
    George had pulled two large cookie sheets out of the oven, and they had been sitting with the cookies cooling for the past few minutes. The smell of butter, sugar and chocolate filled the galley. Finally, DuLac spoke up. “George, you shouldn’t keep chocolate chip cookies from a man who’s sailed through a gale. So serve ’em up now, or I won’t be held accountable for my actions.”
    “Sorry, Captain. Let me grab my spatula—I wouldn’t want to lose a hand passing them out.”
    George ladled out the goods, and within fifteen minutes, the cookies were gone, along with doses of brandy the captain administered to anyone who was interested.
    Scott continued playing for a while, but the evening was winding down. It was almost ten o’clock on what had been a draining day for all present. Rob Lindstrom and John had actually leaned their heads back and dozed off. Brie was starting to feel as if she might have to be carried to her cabin on a stretcher. Alyssa and Pete were eyeing each other in a high-risk flirtation, considering Rob’s hair-trigger temper. Tim had pulled out a pocketknife and a piece of wood and was whittling away at it, happy that it kept him from too much human interaction.
    Suddenly Rob lunged across the table. “Keep your eyes off Alyssa, you sonofabitch!” An index finger jabbed threateningly at Pete.
    Pete stared at him defiantly. “Hey, man, get a grip!”
    “You’re playing a dangerous game,” Rob growled. The finger jabbed again. “Don’t mess with my wife.”
    The captain brought the flat of his hand down on the table. “That will do, gentlemen! McAllister! Topside, now. Check out the lanterns and the anchor.”
    Pete almost trampled George getting past him and up the companionway.
    “There will be no threats or animosity on this cruise. Is that clear?”
    Rob glared at the captain but said nothing.
    DuLac continued. “The rest of the passengers have a right to the atmosphere they paid for. I’ll not tolerate a troublemaker on my ship.” The captain’s eyes held Rob in a steely gaze.
    “Then you’d damn well better keep your crew in line, Captain.” Rob nodded to Alyssa. “Let’s go. Time to turn in.” They slid out from behind the table, and Rob pawed through the rain slickers until he found his.
    “Rob, could I borrow your raincoat? I’m a little cold.”
    “Oh, Alyssa, for Christ’s sake.” Rob peeled off his slicker and handed it to her. “Give me that thing,” he said, grabbing the umbrella. “Here, George, make this disappear before it embarrasses me to death. Maybe you can chop it up and use it as a garnish.” He stormed up the companionway ladder with Alyssa following behind.
    The remaining passengers and crew surveyed one another in

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