Save the Date!

Save the Date! by Heather C. Myers Read Free Book Online

Book: Save the Date! by Heather C. Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather C. Myers
him with a smooth retort with his southern accent. If anything, his life was quite normal even though his job wasn't.
    Dixon Black currently resided ten minutes away from his employer's home, in a gated apartment complex with a beautiful view of a park from his second-story room. It was bigger than most apartments, but that couldn't be helped. In all honesty, he had expected to be sharing this space with someone, with her . But, as Dixon knew from personal experience, sometimes life just didn't go as planned, and he had to continue to move on.
    He missed his life back in Atlanta, back as a detective. He even missed the FBI. He missed his partner, Edwin Long, who always flirted with the women whether they were young or old, beautiful or ugly, slim or obese, blonde or brunette. He always managed to amuse Dixon, though Dixon had never been as forward as old Edwin had been. Edwin was the warm charm of the partnership while Dixon was the mysterious and brooding action of the gang.
    He really hadn't had all that many friends because of his quietness. It wasn't as though Dixon wasn't social, of course, but he preferred to listen to people speak rather than participate in the activity himself. People revealed much more than they realized when they weren't aware that other people were listening.
    They were the perfect combination, up until the point where his superior, a cold, frigid woman he came to look to as his mother, merely referred to by the name G, told him he was being loaned out to the CIA for a very important case that involved both bureaus. Edwin was already on another case, already partnered with someone else, and Dixon was on the back of his motorcycle, heading to a new home, a new life.
    Of course when he had told hi s long-distance, longtime girlfriend, Eva Shaun, she was none too pleased. He had actually been planning to propose to her right before he left, in the same way he had described to Gemma a couple of days ago. In fact, he had wanted Eva to leave Atlanta and come to Virginia with him.
    But Eva had never been fond of traveling, and she didn't seem excited a bout leaving her home.
    "I can't have a relationship with someone who isn't there anymore," she had said in her usual, low voice, her piercing blue eyes near rivaling his own but falling slightly short.  “I can’t wait around for you, Dixon.  I’ve done it.  I can’t keep doing it.  I won’t.”
    He understood. He didn't ask her to tag along with him if she didn't want to.
    Currently, Dixon was standing on the balcony of his apartment, leaning on the banister as his midnight blue eyes stared up at the night sky.
    Now that he thought about it, he realized that maybe he should have fought for her harder. Maybe he should have shown just how important it was to him that she come with him, that he had already leased an apartment with an extra room that could be turned into an art studio. But he said nothing of the sort. Instead, he walked out of her life, and she let him.
    I t was partly her fault too. He left without her and she had let him.
    E ven so, Dixon knew he had trouble with intimacy. Not, of course, with the physical intimacy, but with the actual feelings . Eva had always been quite logical herself, and she never seemed to mind. He thought she was the One. She had no problem with his problem. He thought it would work out.
    But the more Dixon continued to think about it, he couldn't remember the last time the two had told each other that they loved each other. Had they even said it at all? Did it matter, even now?
    He had been in Virginia for the past two years now, and he was actually enjoying himself more than he had originally thought it was possible. Brent Harrison was a good boss, he found out, someone he could respect nearly as much he respected G. He actually liked his partner Harvey, even though he was quite different from how Edwin was. Harvey seemed intent on exploring all possible facets of the case before assigning a suspect with

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