SFS2 - Science Fiction Short Stories: 10 Science Fiction Short Stories

SFS2 - Science Fiction Short Stories: 10 Science Fiction Short Stories by Krishna kumar Mani Read Free Book Online

Book: SFS2 - Science Fiction Short Stories: 10 Science Fiction Short Stories by Krishna kumar Mani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krishna kumar Mani
kill us! We have to do something. Call him and ask him for a week leave. Let us escape from here.”
    Bob2 continued sadly, “At least for me get two days leave. I've only been alive for two weeks. I haven't even been outside of the lab. There's all these memories, but they're not real.”
    I laughed. Bob2 was very sad but he didn't know what I had planned. It was nice to see how I would react in a different situation.
    “Don't worry,” I said, “Box 2 will save us.”
    “Who are you cloning? Superman? Batman? Because unless it's a superhero, I don't know if that will happen.”
    I told him to trust me or trust himself. Bob2 wasn't convinced. A few days later both of the boxes were ready. I activated Box 2 and told him about our situation and kept him inside the room.
    The chairman entered with the scientist and a few other people who looked like pretty bad guys. I counted seven people in total. If myself and Bob2 could each take two, that would leave 3 for the person in Box 2. But maybe we would be lucky to take out one a piece. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't think this was going to work. The only hope was the element of surprise working in our favor.
    “Is Einstein ready?” asked the Chairman.
    “Soon. He was over 50 so it will take an additional few...”
    The Chairman took out his pistol and pointed it at me. He asked Bob2, “You know how to make Einstein live, right?”
    Bob2 was shocked and said, “Yes.”
    “I think one person is enough.” We put up our hands in protest.
    “You know everything? ” asked the Chairman to Bob2.
    “Because I am going to kill Bob. You will be the only Bob hereafter. You will be the original Bob. You'd get to go on living and get to see the outside world too.”
    I was shocked. I was counting the seconds before I died.
    Unexpectedly, Bob2 stepped in front of me and crossed his hands. Chairman warned him to move out of the way.
    “Chairman, Bob is a good person. He already finished Einstein, he's just in testing so he's not ready yet. Please go and meet him. Using the hair he created two versions, Box 1 and Box 2. But the Box 2 process produced better results, go in and see him. He's waiting for you.”
    The Chairman was surprised and happily went into the room. Then the next person followed. And the next after that. They continued to go, but didn't come out. Eventually they were all gone. I smiled.
    “Thanks for pretending to be me, Bob2. I thought the Chairman might kill me, so I asked you to take my place for the plan to work. I couldn't allow him to kill you so I had to get in front of the gun.” We embraced one another.
    “Who is the box 2 person?” asked Bob2. “Tell me.” “
    “I won't tell you. But you can see him. He'll be familiar to you.”
    I said loudly, “Mr. Box 2 please come outside.”
    From that room, Mr. Bruce Lee came out
    Bob2 was surprised, “Oh, you saved us!”
    He replied, “You have given life to me, man.”
    Bob2 was confused. How was it possible to get Bruce Lee's hair. I took the Chairman's bag from the table and pulled out a hardcover book.
    “Do you remember this?” I asked Bob2.
    I opened it and said, “I saw it on eBay.  A barber had a hobby and collected famous persons hair with their autograph. After his life was over, his son put it on auction on eBay. It was too expensive to buy.”
    “But once the Chairman knew about our research he purchased it, yet he only gave us the hair from Einstein first.”
    “Well, then how did you get Bruce's hair?” asked Bob2.
    “Once I saw the hardcover I tried to recall where I'd seen it before. One day he forgot his bag and I looked through it. I saw Bruce Lee's hair and I decided that he was our best chance.”
    “Thank you again, Mr. Lee.”
    “Hey, you know guys, I've always wanted to meet Einstein,” said Bruce. And so we activated Box 1.

7. Successful Failure
    True or false? Yes or no? Success or failure?
    Any one of these is only possible at one time. For example my statement

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