Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5)

Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5) by Adrienne Woods Read Free Book Online

Book: Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5) by Adrienne Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Woods
direct, and coming from him, well it hurt knowing that I’d been right. He did hate my guts.
    “When my mother told me that a Wyvern was attending Dragonia and claimed to be your dragon, I was out of my element. I knew that it would throw you off, but I also knew that Paul’s intentions were wrong. Still, I didn’t care.” He shook his head.
    “Why are you…?”
    “Just listen, you need to understand what it was you did for me, Elena.”
    I nodded, but I really didn’t want to hear this.
    “I watched how everyone started to trust him. It was like a game, one I loved so much. And then you just had to say THAT.”
    “That you were hearing a voice in your mind.” He shook his head. “I didn’t like that one bit and I had to know if it was mine, so I kept tabs on you, in class and in that one lecture about the Green-Vapor, well I knew the answer and I knew you didn’t, you couldn’t, so I sent it to you and of course you answered.” He smiled. “I can’t recall if I’ve ever felt so disgusted with everything we shared as I did that day.”
    He closed his eyes. “Elena, just listen.” He sounded slightly annoyed and I kept my mouth shut. He opened his eyes again. “I never wanted this. I am the Rubicon, for crying out loud.” He chuckled once. “They had to kill Quito because he couldn’t be tamed. And here they send me a girl that didn’t even know that dragons exist. You know how unworthy that felt?”
    I could relate to that. Nicole had tried to claim me once, she wasn’t worthy either.
    “But then out of the blue, Lucian told me the crazy mission you were planning after the King of Lion sword was stolen, and I had to go and see if you were serious about finding it. So I told him I would come with.”
    He chuckled softly. “You pissed me off so much when you told me that no man could enter that cave, and I silently wished that you would fail, even if it meant that the sword would be lost, but then you came back out, seconds after you went in. I didn’t understand any of it. It was like you just couldn’t die, that fate was forcing this upon me.” He sounded frustrated, and spoke a lot using his hands. His voice fell octaves lower and he sounded calm again. “But it was also the first time I felt that you were worthy. Something I’d only felt with Lucian.” He sighed again.
    “Still, I fought against this, as I didn’t want to become a pathetic lamb, to succumb and become someone’s property. I was the Rubicon, the baddest dragon out there.”
    Yeah, so you’ve said a couple of times. A part of me was pissed off with him. So many people had died. “So you lied to everyone, even to me that night when I asked you if maybe there was someone out there?”
    He chuckled. “Didn’t you hear what I just said? I had to say that so that you wouldn’t put two and two together, Elena.”
    I nodded.
    “Lying to everyone wasn’t my biggest sin, and I fear one day you would discover all the shit I’ve done, you won’t want anything to do with me.”
    I felt bad again for him. I would never judge him like that, or turn my back on him because of what he had done in the past, I’d killed three people for crying out loud.
    “My dark side didn’t want you. It didn’t want to go back to being good, but I still carried a bit of good. That night, I didn’t know how much. But when that Dragonian stabbed you, I wanted to scream like Lucian because he was killing my last chance of fulfilling my destiny. I knew your axes would kill him because they had your blood all over them.” He looked at me. “Yeah, I believed Cheng’s theory too. Even if everyone thought it was far-fetched, to me it wasn’t. I knew your parents well and they were magical, Elena. I hope that one day you will get a chance to see the man your father is.”
    I didn’t want to hope. I wanted to meet him for real so badly, but what were the chances? One of us was going to die. I didn’t want it to be

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