Strange Blood

Strange Blood by Lindsay Jayne Ashford Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Strange Blood by Lindsay Jayne Ashford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Jayne Ashford
conservatory. ‘As you can see,’ he said, following the yellow gravel pathway through the flower beds, ‘it’s completely enclosed.’
    Megan glanced at the high wood-panelled fence that surrounded the garden. The Ledburys had obviously taken a lot of trouble to conceal its prison-like starkness with climbing plants and fast-growing evergreens. There were no established trees, though. Nothing that would support a man’s weight. The houses were too new for that.
    â€˜The SOCOs found some rope fibres on that post.’ Foy pointed to a section of the fence halfway down the garden. ‘There’s an alley on the other side separating it from the house next door. Looks like he climbed up and dropped straight over the side.’
    â€˜Wouldn’t the neighbours have spotted him?’ Megan shaded her eyes and peered upwards. ‘Their bedroom window looks right over this garden.’
    â€˜House is empty.’
    â€˜Hmm.’ Megan scanned the garden. ‘Any footprints?’
    â€˜A toe section of a pair of bog-standard Hi-Tech trainers where he landed. Not enough to work out the size.’
    â€˜What about the fibres?’
    Foy shrugged. ‘We’re still waiting for them to be analysed, but the SOCOs weren’t very optimistic.’
    Megan walked back towards the conservatory. ‘So how did he get into the house? Was this door unlocked?’
    â€˜Well, it was when our lot arrived,’ he said. ‘According to Richard, Tessa spent a lot of time in the garden. With that fence she probably didn’t bother too much about securing the back of the house.’
    Megan stepped back into the conservatory. ‘What’s this part of the estate like, Steve? I know some areas are a bit rough, but I got the impression this cul-de-sac was more upmarket.’
    â€˜Well I suppose it is still one of the better addresses, yes,’ Foy said. ‘There are a few Asian families in the road but they’re everywhere in Wolverhampton, now aren’t they?’
    Megan stopped in her tracks. ‘You what?’ she said, fixing him with an icy stare.
    â€˜Er … I … I mean they…’ Foy blinked at her in confusion.
    â€˜I was born in India, Steve,’ she cut in with measured scorn. ‘My grandmother was Asian.’
    â€˜I … I’m sorry, I didn’t mean … I didn’t realise…’ His grovelling was cut short by the warble of his mobile phone. Turning away, he retreated to the far end of the garden.
    *   *   *
    Megan was in the conservatory examining the Ledburys’ wedding photo when he came back. She heard his footsteps on the gravel but she didn’t look up.
    â€˜That was the incident room,’ he said. ‘Tessa Ledbury made a phone call a few minutes before she died.’
    Megan spun round, her mind switching up a gear. ‘Who to?’
    â€˜The couple from the church I was telling you about – Bob and Jenny Spelman. They were members of a Bible study group Tessa held here on Tuesdays. Kate O’Leary’s just been talking to the husband.’
    â€˜And?’ Megan’s mind was racing.
    â€˜He says Tessa called at quarter past ten on Thursday morning. He was out but he got back a few minutes later. He dialled 1471 and tried to ring her back but there was no reply.’
    â€˜How come you’ve only just found this out?’
    â€˜He and his wife went away for the Bank Holiday. They left on Thursday afternoon and they only got back this morning. They didn’t know Tessa was dead until they saw it on the TV news.’
    â€˜And this Bob Spelman,’ Megan frowned, ‘does he check out?’
    â€˜You mean could he be in the frame?’
    Megan nodded. ‘For all we know he could have phoned his own number from here to give himself an alibi.’
    â€˜Well, obviously we’ll be sending someone to interview him

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