Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)

Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2) by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online

Book: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2) by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
strolls into the room looking through some papers then glances at me.
Max, how are you feeling today?” Shrugging my shoulders I give
a nod. Dr. Murphy laughs at me. “I know; there is nothing to do
while being stuck in here, but I am going to set up a scan before I
remove the casts.”
look at him with surprise. “I can get these things off.”
I point to my legs and he nods.
but not yet. I’ll let you know when the scan is scheduled for.”
He puts my chart back in the metal pocket at the foot of the bed then
walks out.
few minutes later my dad enters the room smiling at me.
son.” He takes a seat beside the bed looking at me.
dad,” I reply, still thinking about getting my casts off.
are you feeling?”
shrug in answer scratching my shaved head. “Like shit. I want
to go home; this place is depressing me.”
over, he smiles at me. “Yeah hospitals do that to people. Have
you heard from Knox?” he asks, looking a little wary.
yet, but I am sure I’ll see him some time today.” My dad
looks a little confused and sad all at the same time. “What’s
up old man?” I joke with him and he smiles back, relaxing into
the chair.
much, I just wanted to know if your brother ever plans on talking to
me again?”
my hand over my face, I feel the couple of day’s growth. I
don’t know what to tell him. As far as I know Knox never wants
to see him again, making me the go between and I don’t want to
be that guy.
don’t know, dad. Things are a little tough for him right now.
He is only just getting his shit back together.”
dad nods at me then frowns. “Max, you swear too much.”
bark a laugh at him and shake my head. “Yeah and you sound like
mom,” I tell him.
and I talk about school, work, and everything in between, avoiding
the topic of Knox and Lindsey, but I know it’s weighing him
down. Eventually he stands up and hugs me goodbye.
drop by tomorrow in the afternoon,” he says on the way out as
two male nurses walk in.
Max, we are going to take you down for your scan now,” one of
the guy tells me, looking at his silver nametag I see it says Victor.
just nod as they begin to push me out of the room and down to the
elevator. We reach the basement level, which is kind of ominous and
they roll me into a large room with a huge contraption sitting in the
middle of the floor.
on three” Victor says to his co-worker and he counts to three
then they lift me up and transfer me to a thin hard metal surface.
pain in my mid section makes me cry out, clenching my teeth I breathe
hard until it becomes a dull ache, but still the waves of pain make
me want to black out. Victor and his minion exit the room leaving me
alone until I hear a disembodied voice.
Max, I’m Peter and I am the MRI technician. Just hang tight for
a few.”
tight! What the heck else am I going to do? I hear the machine kick
into life with a whir and then a boom, boom, boom as it rotates. My
heart pounds in my chest as I lie there wondering what the fuck is
going on?
still, Max. I am going to load you in now,” says Peter’s
take a deep breath as the metal platter I am on gets reversed into
the mouth of the booming monster. Closing my eyes, I wish my mom were
here. Yes, I am a twenty-one year old guy wanting his mom, but I
don’t give a shit. As my head enters the monster a loud boom
causes me to jump and instant pain rolls through me.
out, Max,” says the voice again.
needs to come in here and fucking to see how chill he is. I can feel
the sweat on my skin as I roll in and out of the machine. Panic and
pain are keeping me still but mostly this thing frightens the crap
out of me. Finally after three trips into the mouth of this monster I
stop. Sighing with relief, I wipe the sweat off my brow.
and his pal come back in and place me into my bed.

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