The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) by Shelli Quinn Read Free Book Online

Book: The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) by Shelli Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelli Quinn
ever wanted. She could finally do something good for her sisters they’d be able to make the improvements they wanted to make. They could expand the dining area of the Inn for Asia and add the winery that Indy had always wanted. They could make Landry’s Landing the five star business they know that it could be.
    All she had to do was say yes to marrying him. Why was she even hesitating any woman in her right mind would jump at the chance to be married to a sexy Italian billionaire. Besides if she said no then one day he’d probably marry someone else and his wife would be her baby’s stepmother.
    An image of a tall blonde self absorbed model type woman flashed before her eyes.
    Oh hell no! That was not happening not while she was alive and breathing.
    “So if I marry you my sisters and I can do what we want with the Inn, you’ll give us the money to make all the improvements we want? What’s the catch? I know there’s more to it than that.”
    “Well there is one catch.” Pierce said as he continued to stare at her.
    “I knew it, what is?” She asked looking worried.
    “We have to remain married you can’t divorce me or leave me. Ever. You must remain my wife in every sense of the word, living under the same roof sleeping in the same bed every night. We will raise our children together. If you agree to all of that then you can have anything and everything you’ve ever want.”
    “If I say yes it isn’t because I want your money it’s because I want to finally do something good for my sisters. I’ve screwed up so much in the past that I really do owe them for sticking by me. I hope you know that I’m not a gold digging opportunist.” She said absently rubbing her belly as she gazed over his shoulder at the wall behind him.
    Pierce reached over and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger turning her face gently so that she was looking at him.
    “If I thought that you were, I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me I know how much you care for your family that’s why I want you to be my wife because family is important to me also.”
    “Then yes I’ll marry you, and did I hear you say children earlier? I guess that means you want other babies besides this one huh?”
    “That’s right, is that going to be a problem?” He asked.
    “No not at all but how many children do you want?” She asked in return.
    “That’s negotiable.” He said with big smile as he leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips. What was meant to be a brief harmless kiss turned into a deep passion filled soul stirring event. He slid one of his hands to the nape of her neck and the other he place at the side of her stomach as he deepened the kiss slipping his tongue pass her lips and into her mouth.
    Gigi kissed him back like she’d been waiting a lifetime to be kissed by a man like him. She slid her hands into his hair holding him close. He had soft lips and a gifted tongue he was intoxicating to her senses making her feel lightheaded as her heart beat double time.
    When Pierce reluctantly ended the kiss Gigi wanted to pull him back into her arms and kiss him again. A shiver shook her body as he trailed his index finger down the side of her face, along her neck and over her shoulder where his hand now rested.
    “Thank you.” He said smiling at her like he’d just added another billion dollars to his empire.
    “Why are you thanking me?”
    “Because thanks to you I’ll now have everything I’ve wanted, a beautiful wife and baby and the sisters I never had.”
    “Yeah well you may change your mind about the sisters once you get to know them, and when that happens don’t blame me.” Gigi said warning him about what he was getting himself into.
    “I’m sure they’ll be fine besides they can’t be any worse than my brothers. You’ve only met one of them there’s two more you haven’t met.”
    “So why don’t we have an engagement dinner for our families before the wedding?” Gigi said excitedly.

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