The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches)

The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches) by Lauren McMinn Read Free Book Online

Book: The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches) by Lauren McMinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren McMinn
Pants, it’s time for bed.”
    “ I’m too weak to argue with you ladies. Especially since I think I’ll need some help into bed.”
    They got him just to his room when the doorbell rang. “You got this, Skylar? I’ll go get Dave.”
    “ I’ve got this. Go.”
    Suddenly, Skylar realized that Leo wasn’t wearing a shirt, and that his body even more muscled than she had thought. She licked her lips unconsciously. Apparently when he was distressed, she didn’t notice how steaming hot he was. She had noticed in the hospital, but it his her especially hard then.
    Trying to dampen the effect he had on her just then, she took some of his weight and helped him move to the bed.
    “ Feeling better there, doctor?”
    “ Yeah. It’s been getting better slowly since I came out of whatever that was. Thank you so much for your help. I... well, let’s just say it was very comforting to wake up to you.”
    “ I’m glad I could help. Now, are you hungry? Thirsty? I could make you a great cup of tea or a meal.” She tried to ignore her reaction to his last sentence.
    “ Actually I am very hungry and thirsty. Think I can hit you up for a little of both?”
    “ Absolutely. Now rest for a few minutes, I’ll be right back.”
    Dymphna and Dave were at the bottom of the stairs, discussing security measures for while Leo was at the hospital. They stopped immediately when they saw Skylar coming toward them.
    “ How is he?”
    “ He’s doing better. I think, and this is probably not necessary, that one of us should stay with him through the night, even if he’s just sleeping. I’ll move a chair into his room once he’s out, and we can take turns.
    “ Sounds great,” they said at the same time.
    “ I’ll take first watch,” Dymphna suggested. “After all, I do need to spend some time in my own bed. I’ve got a big case tomorrow that’s finally going before the judge.”
    “ It’s nine now, and I’ll relieve you at midnight,” Dave offered.
    “ I’ll come in at three and stay until he leaves at seven thirty.”
    “ Perfect,” his sister responded.
    “ He’s hungry, so I’m about to whip up some food and a tall mug of herbal tea. I think it’s best if he’s awake until he eats so that he can keep his strength and make it through the night better.”
    “ Sounds good. I’ll bring him a novel, and we’ll wait for you.”
    She started immediately on the cup of chamomile tea, letting it steep before she would send it up with Dave. She sauteed some chicken with a little fresh garlic and onion. She wanted to make it pretty bland so it didn’t upset his stomach, with just enough flavor to make it interesting.  Since she was going more for speed than deliciousness, she microwaved some corn and added it to the plate. She would have loved to put some pasta or rice on the side, but he probably wouldn’t tolerate that too well.
    Once she plated Leo’s meal, she went back to the chicken and added some extra garlic, onions, and green chilies.  She plated that with some brown rice.
    “ Something smells delicious,” Dave commented as he walked into the kitchen again.
    “ Thank you. Your portion and Dymphna’s are over there,” she gestured to the table. She wasn’t hungry, so there wasn’t any for her.
    “ You’re a saint.” He kissed her on the cheek and proceeded to grab his food as if it were going to go away. “Delightful!” he proclaimed.
    “ Thanks.” Now that Leo’s portion was no longer red hot, she carried it up the stairs.
    “ The tea was awful,” he started.
    “ But don’t deny that it helped.”
    “ It did.”
    “ Now eat up. Dymphna, take a break and go eat your food as well. Now Leo, I know it’s not the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted, but I didn’t want to put any extra strain on your stomach.”
    “ Hey, it’s better than D or I could do. You have no idea how incompetent in the kitchen we both are.”
    “ I can guess based on your previous kitchen equipment. I figure

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