The Doctor's Memories (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)

The Doctor's Memories (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) by Nisha Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: The Doctor's Memories (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) by Nisha Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nisha Davis
something like this to her? Just what the hell is your game?”
    “Selena, stop!  You are jumping to….”
    “Don’t you dare to tell me to stop! Is she your wife? Are you married to her?”
    “Yes, but…”
    “Then what the hell are you up to? No, don’t answer that! I don’t want any part of your sick little games! I can’t believe I fell for you! You are a liar and a cheat, and I don’t know which is worse.”
    Emily gave a harsh laugh. “Found out at last, Nick? Got to hand it to your little tart, though, she seems to have some kind of morals. Didn’t you ever tell her you were a married man?”
    “God, Emily, just what the fuck are you up to? What do you want from me?”
    “I don’t want to hear this!” Selena picked up her bag that they had deposited in the apartment earlier that day and stormed out the door, slamming it behind her.
    “Selena!” Nick started going after her.
    “Wait, Nick,” Emily grabbed him by the arm, “I want us to get back together, please.”
    Nick stopped in his tracks and turned to face her head on. “When hell freezes over there might, possibly, be a small chance that I just might, possibly, entertain that notion, Emily, but until then, there is not a hope in hell that I will ever take you back!”
    “It’s that tart, isn’t it? It’s because of her!”
    Nick shook his head in denial. “Nope. It’s not Selena. It’s you, Emily. How many affairs were you planning on having before telling me? It took me to come down with the flu and coming home unexpectedly and finding you in the sack with your so-called personal trainer to finally open my eyes to what you are. The divorce stands, and I cannot wait for the few weeks to pass till it’s finally over and done with. The sooner I get you out of my life, the better!”
    “But what will I do?”
    Nick gave a harsh laugh. “To coin a phrase used by Rhett Butler: quite frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
    He left her standing in the middle of his lounge with her mouth agape and ran down the two flights of stairs to the street below, searching for any sign of Selena. She had disappeared. Again.

Chapter 7
    Selena caught a cab and went to the airport. She managed to get a standby ticket for the first flight out to California. She needed to see her mother, needed to find out the truth about herself, and above all find out what they had kept from her. She needed to know everything, to be a complete person, even if she could not remember for herself.
    As for Nick? His duplicity hurt! She had fallen for the oldest con in the book! He was a married man! Why did he not tell her? How could he not tell her? She was mad at him, mad as hell! The tears, she knew, would come later, when she was alone and when she allowed the pain to wash over her. As for now, she needed to find out the truth once and for all.
    Hours later, a tired and jet-lagged Selena finally made it to her mother’s house and knocked. It had been a long time since she had seen her. The woman that opened the door had aged considerably in the last two years. “Lena? Baby? Is it really you?”
    “Yeah Mom, it really is. Can I come in? We seriously need to talk.”
    The older women stepped aside. “Come in baby. I think you are right. We were overdue for a good conversation for a long time now.”
    She led the way into her kitchen and made them tea, while Selena sat at the table that took pride of place in the center of the room.
    “You know, Lena, I know why you are here. You finally want to know about the past and the small things your father and I kept hidden from you, don’t you?”
    “Small things? I wouldn’t call Nick Duvall a small thing, would you, Mom? Why have you never told me about him?”
    “Because I was scared! I was scared you would turn your back on me after what your father…no, what your father and I did! But please believe me, I love you, and I am so incredibly sorry! Not a day has gone by

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