The Elephants of Norwich

The Elephants of Norwich by Edward Marston Read Free Book Online

Book: The Elephants of Norwich by Edward Marston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Marston
Tags: Fiction, Historical, Mystery & Detective, Traditional British, Bright Dart
easier to defend. Down below in the bailey, there was considerable activity. Soldiers were exercising, the guard was being changed and the armourer was busy in his forge, hammering on the blade of a new sword and producing a rhythmical noise that could be heard throughout the entire castle. Horses were being groomed. Servants ran to and fro. An elderly priest ambled towards the chapel. An unseen dog barked a slow lament. Alys was fascinated.
    ‘I’ve never stayed in a castle before,’ she confessed. ‘What is it like?’
    ‘Very draughty in the winter,’ said Golde, crossing to stand beside her. ‘These places are built for safety rather than comfort. We’re lucky to be here in the summer, Alys. We’ll be able to spend less time around a fire.’
    ‘What will we do all day?’
    ‘See something of Norwich, for a start.’
    ‘I’d like that.’
    ‘We may even do some shopping in the market.’
    ‘What will we buy?’
    ‘Things that we’re unlikely to see in Winchester,’ said Golde. ‘Norwich does a thriving trade with other countries. Goods are brought upriver from Yarmouth. We may well find silks and cloths that catch our eye, not to mention small items of jewellery.’
    ‘Gervase doesn’t like me to wear anything too gaudy.’
    Golde gave a subversive smile. ‘Please yourself, not your husband.’
    ‘I’m not sure that I’d dare. Doesn’t Ralph tell you what to buy?’
    ‘Of course, but I usually ignore him.’
    Alys laughed. ‘You’re so bold.’
    ‘I lived alone for some time after my first husband died. That taught me to stand on my own feet. And to follow my own instincts when I went to the market.’
    ‘Then I’ll do the same,’ said the other, conspiratorially.
    ‘There’s one way to ensure that Gervase doesn’t criticise what you buy.’
    ‘Is there?’
    ‘Yes, Alys. Get something for him as well.’
    The younger woman laughed again and turned to face her companion. It was Golde’s presence on the expedition that had convinced her to join it. Eager as she was to be with her husband, Alys would never have left Winchester if she had been the only woman in the party, yet that hitherto had been Golde’s position. She marvelled afresh at her friend’s courage and independence. To be with her husband, Golde had ridden to places as far apart as Chester, York, Canterbury and Exeter. Bad weather and uncomfortable accommodation had been endured without complaint. It made Alys resolve to make light of any problems she encountered. The slight queasiness had passed off now. She would soon be able to respond to the notion of a banquet with real enthusiasm.
    Golde sensed that something was troubling her and stepped in closer.
    ‘What ails you?’ she asked.
    ‘The life seems to have drained out of you.’
    ‘It will come back.’
    ‘Are you not in a mood for celebration this evening?’
    ‘Yes, yes,’ Alys lied.
    ‘Something’s on your mind, Alys. What is it?’
    Alys gave a shrug and moved back to the middle of the room to give herself a moment to collect her thoughts. She looked at Golde again. ‘It was that old man,’ she said. ‘The one we met on our way here.’
    ‘Poor wretch. I felt so sorry for him.’
    ‘How could anyone treat a human being like that? Ralph wouldn’t beat a dog the way that that old man was beaten. It was painful to look at him.’
    ‘I know. But his is not an isolated case, I fear.’
    ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘Perhaps we should break off this conversation,’ suggested Golde tactfully. ‘I don’t want to say anything out of place.’
    ‘How could you possibly do that?’
    ‘I’m from Saxon stock and you’re not, Alys. You were born in Winchester, I know, but your father came from

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