The Exception

The Exception by Sandi Lynn Read Free Book Online

Book: The Exception by Sandi Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandi Lynn
in pure bliss. They were in a playful mood. Some were spinning around me while others were jumping out of the water. They welcomed me into their oceanic playground. They kept a close eye on me as if they knew what I was going through and every emotion that flooded my mind. I found myself in the presence of joy and peacefulness. I was suddenly face to face with one dolphin as he was mere millimeters from me. I slowly brought up my hands and placed them on each side of his nose. As I stared into his eyes, I became aware of this moment. As if I suddenly woke up from a life that had only been a dream. I saw freedom and fearlessness. His clicking became more pronounced and the other dolphins swam over to me. I found myself encircled by them, and as I looked around into each of their eyes, I felt an abundance of love and strength.
    Returning to the surface of the water, I played with them for a while longer and then climbed back into the boat.
    “Magical, wasn’t it?” Juno smiled.
    “Beyond magical, Juno.”
    As I stared over the side of the boat one last time before Juno took me back, the dolphins jumped up out of the water and spun around. Two of them came to the side of the boat and stared up at me as I ran my hand along their noses.
    “Thank you,” I spoke to them.
    Turning around and diving back into the water, they disappeared, but the feeling that I got from our time together never would.
    Passing by one of the shops in the hotel, a dress in the window caught my eye. It was a strapless, red floral print wraparound that would be perfect for dinner tonight with Drew and Jess. Walking into the shop, I asked the saleswoman if I could see it.
    “What size are you?” she asked.
    “Size 4.”
    She smiled as she took the dress off the mannequin and handed it to me.
    “Perfect. It’s your size and the only one we got in. I would say that you are meant to wear it. Would you like to try it on?”
    “Yes. Please.”
    As I stood and stared at myself in the full-length mirror, I ran my hands down my sides. The dress fit perfectly and I was in love with it. After making my purchase, I headed back up to my suite, showered, and got ready for dinner, which somehow I felt was going to be awkward at its best.
    Just as I put the final touches on my makeup, there was a knock at the door. My belly started to do tiny flips and I wasn’t sure why. I had nothing to be nervous about. I was just having dinner with a man I met on the plane and his girlfriend. Opening the door, my eyes instantly diverted their attention to Drew. Good lord, was he hot. A number of things took over me, one being the ache between my legs and the thought of how I needed to take care of that later.
    “Love that dress,” Jess spoke as she looked me up and down.
    “Thank you. You look so pretty.” I smiled.
    “Thanks. Are you ready? The car is waiting for us downstairs.”
    “Hello, Jillian.” Drew nodded.
    “Hi.” I gave a small and careful smile as not to upset the girlfriend.
    I grabbed my purse and we headed out of the hotel.
    My heart picked up the pace the minute Jillian opened the door. My God, she was so beautiful. I loved the way her long brown, blonde-highlighted hair with the subtle waves swept over her shoulders. Her lips were stained in a perfect red color that matched her dress, which hugged her body in all the right places. Jess and I had had a small argument before leaving the room. It wasn’t anything major, just her complaining that she felt I wasn’t being romantic on this trip, and it was enough to set me off for the rest of the night. I couldn’t take my eyes off Jillian and I needed to be careful because my cock was being uncooperative.
    As soon as we were seated at a cabana table at Azure, I ordered a double scotch. I was going to need it to get through this night with a woman of whom I had already had enough and a woman for whom I was pretty sure I was falling head over heels for. Fuck my life.
    “Aren’t you

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