The Fall of Candy Corn

The Fall of Candy Corn by Debbie Viguié Read Free Book Online

Book: The Fall of Candy Corn by Debbie Viguié Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Viguié
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able to move back home in two days. That meant she would at least get a good night’s sleep before Scare started.
    Tamara drifted in and out, trying half a dozen times to engage Candace in conversation, but Candace was too nervous to talk much. Finally at about five thirty, Tamara came back in the room.
    â€œOkay, your pacing is driving me crazy.”
    â€œSorry,” Candace apologized.
    â€œLet’s just head over there. So what if you’re early? Besides, we can get some burgers on the way.”
    â€œYou think so?”
    â€œI know so. Anything is better than listening to you wear a hole in the carpet.”
    â€œThanks, Tam.”
    â€œNo problem.”
    Half an hour and a double cheeseburger and large fries later, Tamara parked in The Zone’s employee lot.
    â€œCall me when you need to be picked up.”
    â€œThanks, you’re the best,” Candace said.
    â€œJust remember, you’re going to be great. Just relax and have fun.”
    â€œI’ll try.”
    â€œWho’s going to be here anyway?”
    â€œFrom what I understand, management types walk through all the mazes and check it all out. I think the Game Masters who created them are supposed to be here too.”
    â€œIf I say ‘just be yourself’ will you smack me?” Tamara asked with a smirk.
    â€œNo, but I’ll scream,” Candace threatened.
    â€œThen never mind. I’ve heard you scream, and I don’t think my eardrums could take it inside a closed car.”
    Candace got out of the car and hurried to the employee entrance. She showed the guards there her gate pass and stepped into the off-field world of The Zone. From there it only took her five minutes to reach the costuming department.
    Looking at the number of people swarming around outside, Candace was grateful that Tamara had suggested she come early. She squeezed through the door of the building and crossed to the costume racks labeled CANDY CRAZE.
    There were several seemingly identical costumes hanging there that must represent the psycho killer. It would make sense to have more than one in the maze in order to keep the action moving. Among the dark grays of those costumes, the pink and white of her cotton candy vendor uniform stood out all the more. She pulled it off the rack and got in line for one of the changing rooms.
    All around her were lots of other people who were wearing bicycle shorts and T-shirts and were pulling their costumes on over them. I should have thought to get a pair of black bicycle shorts to wear under this, she thought, looking at her costume. It certainly would make her feel a little more comfortable, especially considering the slits in the skirt. She promised herself that she would get some the next day so she’d have them for opening night.
    There was a great sense of energy in the building. The air practically pulsed with it. It reminded her a little bit of everyone waiting at the starting line for the end-of-summer scavenger hunt.
    She looked around in fascination, trying to take it all in. There were mad scientists, vampires, aliens, ghosts, and freakish fairy tale creatures that were the more disturbing for their twists on familiar characters. A guy walked past her in a black leotard painted all over with fluorescent polka dots. Two dead gunfighters faced off against each other mockingly, while Lizzie Borden sat in a corner, admiring her axe. The headless horseman was tossing his pumpkin up and down, catching it one-handed.
    Others were taking care of a fascinating variety of Scare props. Characters weren’t allowed to touch players, but it was obvious they intended to work around this rule with props. One mummy dangled loose bandages over the heads of others nearby. Characters dressed as wax figures taunted and tormented each other with long feathers.
    Suddenly a guy in a hockey mask slammed a tin can with a couple of coins in it against the wall near Candace’s head, causing

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