The Inspired Leader: 101 Biblical Reflections for Becoming a Person of Influence

The Inspired Leader: 101 Biblical Reflections for Becoming a Person of Influence by Richard Blackaby Read Free Book Online

Book: The Inspired Leader: 101 Biblical Reflections for Becoming a Person of Influence by Richard Blackaby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Blackaby
Tags: Religión
and what they enjoy doing. What is ignored is what the organization needs from the position that the person’s job is designed to provide. It is a case of putting the needs of the individual above the needs of the organization.” The authors contend that people are naturally drawn to do what comes easily and wins accolades. Few people want to put in the hard work required to strengthen their weaknesses. The problem for those in upper management is that the skills that earned them their corner office are not necessarily the same abilities necessary for their executive duties. Yet most people are reluctant to shift away from that which has traditionally brought them success. If you have always been good with a hammer, when you reach management you continue wanting to hit things with your trusty tool! Furthermore, leaders going 90 mph in their strengths, rarely take time to address their weaknesses. One day, these one-dimensional leaders come crashing down when their neglected weaknesses bring them to ruin.
    How do businesspeople who are committed to Jesus Christ address their deficiencies? Certainly they can do as Walt Disney did and hire to their weaknesses. Disney was a creative visionary but unskilled in administration, so he brought his brother Roy on board to handle logistics. When God looks at us, He sees our potential. He is undaunted at addressing our weaknesses, especially if they make us vulnerable or if they reflect poorly on Him. Despite all that Moses accomplished for the nation of Israel, God did not excuse his weaknesses in delegating or anger management (Exodus 18; Numbers 20:1-13). Likewise Jesus knew that Peter had a penchant for boasting and overconfidence (Matthew 26:33-35). Jesus might have ignored Peter’s swagger in light of his other strengths, but he did not. Even after Peter failed miserably, Jesus walked with his humbled disciple until he had decisively addressed his weakness (John 21:15-19). Jesus didn’t condemn Peter but neither did he excuse or ignore his behavior.
    As a business leader, you have strengths that no doubt got you where you are today. What about your weaknesses? Have you been avoiding or excusing them? Are they limiting you? Are others suffering because of them? Why not trust in God’s grace to help you overcome them today?
What is one of your strengths? How are you managing it? Is it glorifying God? Are you using it too much? Is it making you overly confident?
What is one of your weaknesses? How are you addressing it? How has it limited you in the past? What does God want to do about it?
Have you become a lopsided person? Do you overuse your strengths and avoid your weaknesses? How might you be more effective if you addressed your weaknesses? Have you been hiding behind excuses?
Our Professional Image

    SOME PROFESSIONS PROVIDE ample fodder for stand-up comedians and cartoonists. Politicians have long provided a tempting target for humorists. Mark Twain quipped, “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” Will Rogers mused, “I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” He also intoned, “Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for” and “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.”
    Recently, along with politicians and attorneys, corporate CEOs have increasingly found themselves in the spotlight of public scrutiny and skepticism. In the June 2009 Rasmussen survey, only 25% of adults surveyed held a favorable view of corporate CEOs. Adding insult to injury, members of Congress were viewed favorably by 30% of adults ( USA Today, 22 June 2009). To make matters even worse, the public relations tumble by corporate executives has affected their golfing. In an era of massive layoffs and misappropriated company funds, CEOs are apparently wary of being observed golfing while the economy

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