The One Nighter

The One Nighter by Shauna Hart Read Free Book Online

Book: The One Nighter by Shauna Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shauna Hart
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, romantic suspense, Mystery & Suspense
spoken with most of the clients, and each one had promised loyalty to the firm. All in all, their efforts had paid off.
    Scanning the room, he spotted Melanie standing with a man. His eyes narrowed as he recognized who it was. He had met Doug Taylor several times. The man owned a small construction firm. If he remembered correctly, he was r e cently divorced. Melanie’s laughter floated through the crowd as she leaned toward Taylor. She was obviously e n joying herself.
    Maybe a little bit too much.
    Instantly, he wanted to walk across the room and stuff his fist down the man’s throat.
    His jaw clenched.
    He wasn’t prone to jealousy. In fact, it rarely ha p pened.
    So, why was it rearing its ugly head tonight?
    The answer was immediate.
    Because despite every warning he had given himself, he had begun to care.
    He didn’t want it, wasn’t ready for it, but it was there all the same.
    Gritting his teeth, he watched Taylor put his hand on her upper arm as he whispered in her ear.
    Damn it, this had gone far enough!
    He was just about to take the first step over there when Miranda stopped him by sliding her arm through his.
    Casting an irritated look over his shoulder, he bit out a reply. “What?”
    She pulled him around to face her. “I swear you haven’t heard a word I said,” she observed.
    Had she been talking?
    “What is it?” he asked.
    Her eyelashes fluttered as she placed her lips against his ear. “I was saying that maybe after the party we could go back to your place,” she suggested.
    He didn’t have time for this, especially when it a p peared that Melanie was getting even closer to Taylor.
    Closing his eyes, he struggled to find a suitable excuse.
    “Miranda, I’m not sure tonight is a good night,” he b e gan.
    Her eyebrows furrowed together, and her lower lip extended in what was intended to be a sexy pout. “But Connor, I’ve missed you. Haven’t you missed me?”
    He caught her fingers as they began to climb up his chest.
    “It’s just been crazy right now. I was thinking we could talk after the party. Maybe tomorrow?”
    She tilted her head to the side as her lips formed an a n gry line. “Don’t mince words, Connor. If you have som e thing to say, just say it.”
    His eyes met hers. One thing about Miranda was that she could see through a con. That combined with her pe r sistence proved to be a deadly combination.
    Especially for him.
    Especially tonight.
    “Look, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. I care about you a lot, but…”
    Before he could get it out, she finished the sentence for him. “But you don’t want to see me anymore?”
    His silence was the evidence she needed.
    She shook her head. “That’s it, isn’t it?” she challenged.
    He let out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry, Miranda.”
    Her laughter sent a chill of alarm up his spine.
    “No,” she said, her voice so quiet it scared him. “You’re not sorry, yet, but you will be.”
    With that, she walked away, leaving him to wonder what the cryptic warning meant.
    Miranda wasn’t a vengeful person.
    Was she?
    * * * *
    Where was he?
    It had been over an hour since the last guest left. The catering company had packed up and left, and she had no idea where Connor was.
    Jill walked over to her.
    “So?” she asked.
    “So, what?” Melanie replied as she grabbed her folded letter of resignation.
    Jill let out an impatient huff. “So, what’s going on b e tween you and Mr. Mason?” she prodded.
    “Nothing,” she answered, trying her best to avoid her gaze.
    Jill’s eyes narrowed. “It didn’t look like nothing to me.”
    Reluctantly, she met her gaze. “Jill, I told you nothing is going on between us,” she lied.
    It wasn’t true.
    But then again, she couldn’t even decipher what was happening between her and Connor for herself, let alone tell other people what was going on.
    “That’s good, because I would hate to think you were one of those women who would sleep with a guy to keep their

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