The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three))

The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) by D.N. Simmons Read Free Book Online

Book: The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) by D.N. Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.N. Simmons
Xavier’s opinion on mankind, some of which she both agreed and disagreed with.
    “So you believe that some philosophers were wrong in thinking that?” she asked Darian.
    “I do, from what I can deduce. Some philosophers or so-called experts believe that th e main reasoning for all things was based on sexual lust. I believe that fear, love or infatuation  however you want to look at it--as well as primal greed and necessity are all contributing factors which bring about both positive and negative reactions and events in a person’s life which also lays the foundation for their history. Therefore, I do not agree with every human theology. It is true that most human behaviors have been diagnosed correctly by human doctors, but bear with me on this issue,” Darian said as he leaned forward.
    Xavier watched him closely, giving him his full attention. Natasha was anxious to hear his point.
    “How many times have you listened to the opinion of the so-called qualified and decided that person had not the slightest inkling of what he or she were babbling about?” he asked simply. Both Xavier and Natasha laughed outright.
    “It’s true! I have had so many teachers that have their opinions about this or that, and we’ve had so many disagreements,” Natasha stated still chuckling.
    “This is because mankind is fallible. Therefore nothing can ever be concrete. Humans hold true to whatever makes the most sense at that time until something more logical comes along and even then, they may violently reject the new knowledge because it forces them to change. To change their way of thinking, of doing things and their beliefs… history has proven this.” Darian chuckled.
    “In all honesty, humans are practical creatures and they are always searching for a rational explanation to all things which is why I believe supernaturals have been able to exist and flourish, for the most part, undetected over the centuries,” Darian said as he watched their facial expressions reflect humor.
    “Why do I always feel like I’m being schooled when you get into these moods,” Xavier said.
    “Because you are,” Darian retorted.
    “Ancient, wise Darian, let us not get too philosophical tonight,” Xavier said with a chuckle.
    Natasha was slightly disappointed, she had been most intrigued by Darian’s insight and wanted to hear more. But she imagined that Xavier had heard his opinions time and time again. No doubt, he needed a break. Before she forgot, she requested the limousine driver make a stop by her apartment. She wanted to pick up her photo album. She regretted waiting so late to do so, the driver had to detour in order to take her home. Natasha apologized for the inconvenience, but the driver told her there was no need. He drove to her apartment and she collected her photo album so that they could spend the night sharing memories. Darian and Xavier waited patiently in the limo until she returned carrying a large, black, leather-bound photo album with gold lettering. On their way back to the mansion, Darian looked at Natasha then his eyes trailed to the photo album in her hands.
    “I can hardly wait. Why don’t you start now,” he suggested anxiously
    “Dang, breathe back,” Natasha teased as she clutched the photo album closer to her chest.
    “Awe, come on, Tasha, don’t tease a teaser. You won’t like the retribution,” Xavier threatened playfully.
    “Is that a threat?” Natasha asked coyly.
    “No, just a warning. I can be a very... ,” Xavier moved closer to Natasha, sliding his fingertips up her inner thigh tickling her. “...Big tease,” he whispered seductively into her ear, causing her to gasp slightly.
    Darian smiled and inched closer leaning towards her neck, his tongue flicking out to taste her flesh. Her body trembled as he gently nibbled her ear.
    “I taught him everything he knows,” he whispered softly.
    Natasha could feel the heat rise in her body like a fever. She had to close her legs to keep

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